I keep singing, "This is the day...this is the day...that the Lord has made...I will rejoice...and be glad in it."
I am taking my last Midterm this morning. It is in Modern Poetry. Poetry is really not my favorite, but I am learning to like it a little. In the spring, my advisor asked me why I had not taken a poetry class. I quipped, that I really didn't care for poetry, so I was saving it for last. He laughed and explained that poetry was his expertise. (Oiy! Insert foot in mouth!) I'm taking his class this semester. He is a wonderful teacher and I am really enjoying his class although it is difficult. I should be finished with his midterm by 11 and I will be thankful!
Speaking of thankful, you know all of my papers, all 5 of them, that so many of you generously prayed for? I made all A's! Thank you Father!
I'm halfway through this semester and I am thankful. It has been tough, but God has been so good.
I'm thankful for the lunch date that Mr. Incredible and I had yesterday. He took me to this romantic place called...are you ready for this....Furrs! I wish that I were kidding. He and I were the youngest couple in there, by far! He was giving me a hard time about balancing my cell phone, Rachel was texting me during her lunch break, and and trying to carry my big purse and my tray so he sweetly offered to get my silverware for me. Bless his heart, he spilled his red fruit punch all over his tray and they had to bring him another entree. On the positive side, the other diners felt more at ease with us after that, because they spilled their food too. Only, no one offered to carry Mr. Incredible's tray. (I'm giggling). We had fun just gazing into each other's eyes over Millionaire Pie (good stuff). Fun moments...at Furr's. And no, we don't go to bed at 7:00. :-)
Rachel and Hannah have both had a great week at school. I'm so thankful for my girls. They are such a blessing!!! The time is going by way too quickly. Only 5 more months until Rachel turns 16, be still my heart!
I better finish studying for my test. Thanks for dropping by today. May God bless you and keep you.
P.S. This is my 100th post! I can't believe it! I'm so thankful for blogging and for all of you that bless me by visiting my blog and for leaving such sweet comments. My cup runneth over with blessings!
Woo Hoo, all A's, I am so proud for you. Way to go!!
Ok, now you've got me humming along to the song! Your post made me smile. Happy TT!
Don't you love a half way point. This other half of you semester will probably fly by. So your daughter will be sweet 16. What are you going to do for her birthday? Cause I have one coming up next year as well. I can steal some ideas.
Congrats on the 100th post. What did I win? LOL.
Hugs to you.
Furrs is a pretty cute name -- makes me wonder about the decor! ;-)
I love poetry so I wish I could take the class for you but then you wouldn't have learned to like it a little so I guess it's best that I can't, huh? And congratulations on your As! WONDERFUL! How blessed the Father is that He gives you what you need to balance your life as wife, mom and student and do a beautiful job at it!
God bless.
Love your blog makeover!
CONGRATS on all A's!!!!!!!!! That is a wonderful accomplishment!
Praising God for your perserverence.
Have a blessed weekend!
In His amazing grace,
Way to go on the A's!! Hang in there with your school. It will be worth it in the end. You'll be so glad when you are all done.
And congrats on your 100th post. When you first start on this blog world, you think 100 is a lot, but then it gets here quickly.
It's been nice getting to know you.
Congrats on all A's, your 100th post and all the other things you have to be thankful for! My heart rejoices with you and I said a prayer your test would go well! Have a Happy Thankful Thursday!
Congrats on the A's and 100th post!
Praying you thru your midterm.. so happy for you that this is the last one!
Happy Thankful Thursday!
Congrats on all A's!!!
Happy 100th blog! Congrats on all A's... such a smart lady! Your post always lifts my heart. Thank you.
Hooray for being to the half way point! Glad you are enjoying the poetry class. Poetry has never been my thing either much.
This line (He and I were the youngest couple in there, by far!) made me laugh!
Have a good day!
Way to go! All A's!!
This seems to be the day for humming catchy little tunes.
I'm teaching my at-risk girls British Lit this semester. Right now we're doing romantic poetry. They're actually enjoying it!
Thank you for stopping by my blog, your girls are adorable and I am so excited for you and your progress with school. God Bless You.
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