Happy Day to all of you! For tonight's football game, the band gets to dress up. I took Rachel to the band hall a few minutes ago and the costumes just blew me away, and not in a good way! I am so thankful that Rachel and a good friend decided to go as Powder Puff Football girls. I had so much fun helping her with her makeup and glitter and fake eyelashes that dinner completely slipped my mind! Oiy! Come on halftime!

Let me wow you with my eyelashes!
They glow in the dark, oh yes they do! Too cool!
(I just hope that we can take these things off before tomorrow's first basketball game!)
I talked her into a fake tattoo. This was a sticker from Guitar Hero, not a self portrait of mom!
It was Super Hero Day at school yesterday for Hannah:

Did any of ya'll see the Regis and Kelli show today? The roller coaster girls were hilarious!!!

Thanks so much for participating!! Love those pictures, especially the eyelashes!!
Great photos! Love their costumes. Rachel looks so much like you in these shots...must be those eyelashes! ; )
Hi Kristi,
How are you?
Thanks for participating in my First Give-away some weeks ago. Sorry for this long delay in getting back to you. I really appreciate your feedback and that of many others. I am trying to send out the bookmarks in batches :)
I like to post you some bookmarks in appreciation of your kind feedback. Please send your home address to my email at:
Thanks for your encouragements. Take care and have a blessed week!
Great "I heart Mom" tattoo! And now, I have the batman song stuck in my head!
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