I do want to share with you some of my favorite decorations, because I so love getting ready for this blessed time of year but to be honest, all of my decorations pale in comparison to the decorating that God did last night. Did you see the Meteor Shower? Oh, it was glorious!!!!
Here is just a small glimpse of what we saw:

No, sadly, I did not take this picture but I wish that I had. I tried, really I did. I had my big lens on my camera and everything, but I just couldn't get a good picture. Rachel and I and Mr. Incredible were huddled together on the front porch gazing at the sky...and we saw one falling star after the other. It was AWESOME!!! But, it was cold too.
Rachel couldn't look up at the sky too long, so we improvised. We grabbed blankets and pillows and made a little star watching palette right there in our front yard. She and I cuddled together under the blankets as God absolutely blessed us with pure delight.
So many thoughts came to mind:
"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?" Psalm 8:3-4
"He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name." Psalm 147:4
I wondered what the stars looked like for the Wise men who were so eager to see Jesus and bring Him gifts~it must have been incredible.
I was so awe-struck and overcome by the glorious display that I couldn't even sing...and I love to sing. But, in my mind I kept singing Phillip Craig and Dean's song, "You are God alone."
Rachel and I oohed and ahhed out loud over every star that we saw fall. It was such a blast...she and I and the Lord. I'll never forget it. After we lost count over all of the falling stars that we were so overjoyed to see, we reluctantly went inside. Mr. Incredible had gone inside hours ago (Hannah saw one falling star and went to bed) and we were afraid that we would fall asleep outside and wake up to the freezing water from the automatic sprinkler system. That, and the sound of the coyotes in the distance was starting to make us a little scared.
Interestingly, we couldn't see one single falling star from inside of our windows. I left my drapes open all night because I wanted to be able to see the beautiful display as I drifted off to sleep. After thanking the Lord for the magnificent evening, my thoughts wandered toward, "What if I had missed this!" The heavens were declaring His glory and we could have easily have missed this. I wanted to upload my 2009 Christmas decoration pictures...that is what I had planned to do. Oh, what a blessing I would have missed if I had just stayed inside.
It was a great reminder not to miss Him this Christmas. Oh, the Heavens are declaring His glory and I don't want to be too busy to miss it...to miss Him! We are celebrating His birthday after all: God's most awesome gift~Son of God and Son of Man. It is almost too incredible to comprehend! And once again, my heart cries out, "Come, Lord Jesus, come! We wait for you!"
Oh I'm so glad you didn't miss it either and share this touching message with us today. How amazing is our God!
Also I got the shirt, thank you! I was excited to try it on, it's so soft, I love it!
It was funny b/c it came Saturday and my husband got the mail, he came in with two similar sized packages. One was my shirt and the other was for him as a Thank you gift for doing Financial Peace University. He got a shirt also and a little promise book. I love fun mail!! Thank you!
I loved your decor last year! I still have yet to get the Christmas decorations out...yes, running behind. My kids' tree is up but not decorated...where has the time gone???
Missed the shower but got to see an implosion!
Blessings to you,
What a fantastic post and reminder to us all! Thank you for sharing your heart!
What a beautiful post.
And yes, I got a couple of blankets and flopped down on our driveway to watch the skies. I only stayed for 15 minutes and saw 2. They do take your breath away!
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