(Please, don't forget to enter my giveaway...see my previous post and enter today, you only have until 5:00 CST Saturday afternoon)
I adore snow! Don't you? Well, maybe you don't if you get lots and lots of it.
But, this Kansas girl loves a good snow!
It is a rare and beautiful thing when our little corner of Texas
is blessed with the white, billowy, wonder.
I feel like Buddy the Elf, "I love it! I love it! I love it and I don't care who knows it!"
Last night we all gathered around the tv to listen to the weather reports. We had visions of snow dancing in our heads but Mr. Un-Incredible (he is always Mr. Incredible) looked at us and laughed. Hannah got a text from a friend saying that it was snowing. So she and I, with Rachel right behind us, rushed to the front door to see the snow.
We stood outside on the porch....squinted really hard....looked with childlike wonder....and saw the teeny tiniest little snowflake dance around us....and we screamed, "It's snowing!!!!!"
Mr. Incredible joined us...and his laughter continued as he said, "Where? That isn't snow!"
He walked out to the sidewalk...and I just couldn't help myself so I said, "Cover him with it Lord. I know that you can do it. He doesn't believe that it is coming so please, just cover him" and then we all giggled and ran back inside to our laughing fire.
I put on my snowflake pjs and we made smores...yum!
The phone rang at the early hour of 5:20 with good news that school had been cancelled. Yay!!!
I ran to the window and hollered to Mr. Incredible, "Come look! He did it! He did it! It snowed!" ~and secretly wished that Mr. Incredible had been on the sidewalk when the snow showers began :-)
It was beautiful! I just had to wake up Hannah to tell her that she didn't have to worry about 7:15 basketball practise because it was a snow day. Her excitement was this, "Oh, no! What about the dance!" Oiy!! To be in junior high again. The winter dance is tonight. One of her friends was hoping to get her first kiss tonight....and my daughter was planning to dance with as many of her friends as possible including one special friend (who will NEVER be good enough for my baby!!!!! But will there ever be?) Ha! I think my parents said the same thing once upon a time.
She is sleeping soundly, but Rachel and I are up looking at the beauty of God's snow.
I always, always think about our sins and how He washes them white as snow. It is a beautiful reminder of the incredible gift of salvation!
While Rachel really wanted to go outside....are you kidding me? I couldn't risk her falling on the ice....one week after brain surgery! So, instead I ventured out, still in my snowflake pjs, wrapped in my very warm coat, and my snow boots...yes I was a gorgeous sight to see I'm sure, and took some pictures to capture the memory of the beautiful snow day. Wanna see?
Now, it looks like Christmas!
It may not be more than 2 inches, but it is glorious!
What a blessing from above! Ya'll have a great day. I'm off to make a snowball, bring it in the house, and let Rachel throw it at someone...too bad Mr. Incredible headed to work today. Let's just hope Rachel doesn't have her heart set on making a snowman! Ha!!!
Yeah! The snow is beautiful. My husband is like a kid when it comes to snow. He will stay up all night waiting for the first snowflake to fall!
I saw a glimpse of your mantel. The greenery looks beautiful. I would love to see the whole thing! I bet it is gorgeous.
Have a wonderful day!
The pictures are so pretty, and your house is beautiful. I'm so glad you all are enjoying the snow. And it is wonderful that Rachel is doing so well. Thank God from whom all blessings flow.
I too LOVE the snow. I am however crackin' up here. In Minne-SNOW-da...we have to get at least a foot before we get a snow day. Ha
Enjoy the beautiful white stuff. :-)
Hope you and your girls had a wonderful snow day!
This morning we were heading out and Caleb told me I need my scarf, mittens, and hat. I told him it wasn't snowing right now, he said well the weather man said it was Friday afternoon!
It did come a few flurries earlier but nothing that was sticking and now the sun is out! (But it's still cold)
Hope you and your girls had a wonderful snow day!
This morning we were heading out and Caleb told me I need my scarf, mittens, and hat. I told him it wasn't snowing right now, he said well the weather man said it was Friday afternoon!
It did come a few flurries earlier but nothing that was sticking and now the sun is out! (But it's still cold)
Isn't it funny how a little white fluffy stuff can shut down a town?! Enjoy it... love the palm tree.
I hear a joy in your writing... a bounce. I am enjoying with you in the answers to your prayers!
Oh I am so happy for you and your sweet family! I have been following your story about your daughter and I am rejoicing with you at the work He can do. I hope this is the best most glorious and possibly "white" Christmas you will ever have. God Bless You
What a beautiful snowfall! Thrilled to read how well Rachel is doing. A miracle, indeed!
Really enjoyed seeing your beautiful home all decked out for Christmas...gorgeous! = )
Blessings, sweet one.
SO jealous! My boys were praying for snow last night. we are in southeast louisiana and it just missed us. stayed up til almost midnight hoping for a flake or two! beautiful house!
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