Anyway, with the wetter, colder weather coming back to town, the girls and I have been concerned about the birds....the fat, excuse me I should say plump or fluffy doves (I much prefer that term myself after everything that I ate over the last week....and it makes me think of my precious Aunt Faye who had a magnet in the shape of a sheep on her refrigerator that read, "Ewes not fat, Ewes just fluffy"). They were the smart ones who went into hiding during dove season. I think it is funny that they like to hang around our home after dove season is over....the one where 2 mighty hunters reside (no-not me...Mr. Incredible and Hannah).
I had a little left over cornbread from making PW's stuffing, which is delicious by the way. So, I sprinkled a little on the driveway on Christmas Eve morning, and then accidentally drove over it as we left for Christmas Eve dinner at Mom and Dad's....yes I know they live next door, but it was like 15 degrees outside and we had a lot to carry, so we did what any smart one would do and drove next door, it was a fine little house on the prairie moment. Ha!
When we got back home, those plump little dove had licked off every little morsel that was mashed into our driveway. On Sunday morning, the girls resolved to feed the birds a little better than their momma, so they carefully made cute little piles of crumbled cornbread all along the front sidewalk...far away from my suburban. birds came. Apparently, they like the taste of rubber with their cornbread.
A few minutes later, they arrived in sweet little family groups to eat Sunday cornbread together. We had fun watching them eat until their fluffy little bodies became even more fluffier and then we headed for church. This is what we saw when we drove up to our house after church:
Word travels fast in Dove land and those pictures don't even begin to do the scene justice (did you notice the chimney?). Every eave along the house was lined with dove. We counted over 300 and then Mr. Incredible looked at me, a bit sarcastically, and said, "Want me to get my gun now?" and then mumbled something about the mess they would make all over the house.
Apparently, we were blessed with very conscientious birds, because they did not mess up our house....but I bet they found his truck after hearing his gun comment. Ya'll have a blessed day. I'm off to watch the falling snow.
I hope the snow comes my way. We do not get a lot of snow, however we got 10 inches the week before Christmas...I am greedily praying for more....I suppose I am never satisfied. Maybe if I lived somewhere it snowed all the time I would not feel this way, but I don't soooo I am even jealous of your little bit of snow, today.
Blessings, andrea
we are suppose to get some more snow today.
I am laughing at Mr. Incredible's comment!!! And yes, we did get snow today! Beautiful. It won't last, but we love it when it's here.
hahaha! Oh this makes me laugh :)
Kiki, watching the falling snow sounds wonderful...uh, actually, it's snowing here again. yay!!!
You are so funny! So guy~typical! I am amazed at seeing palm leaves at Christmas time!
Rejoicing in your miracle too!
God is good!!
I wish we had snow, but at least it has been a chilly 50°! I even have to put the heat on at night sometimes!
Love all the birds!
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