Our dear daughter does not look like she just had brain surgery, does she? I have told her countless times just this week that she is a walking miracle, a visible reminder that God is still on His throne, He is alive and active in the lives of His children, and that nothing is too difficult for Him! Glory!
I have prayed many, many scriptures of her~before, during, and after her surgery. This was one that I prayed often for her. As we were gathered in the pre-op room, we gathered around her bed and prayed (this must have been the 1,000th prayer I had prayed for her that day and it was only 7:15 am) and as I once again gave her back to Him, I asked the Faithful One to do what only He could do but I also asked Him to sing over her the entire time that she was in surgery and to whisper in her ears His great love for her. (I feel the tears welling up again as I type this).
It was a precious, precious moment...lifting prayers for Rachel....we were all right there....her daddy, Hannah, Granny, Grandpa, Nonnie, Poppie, Aunt Sissie & Uncle Gib (a little bit later), Rachel, and I...and He was so evident in our circle. It wasn't long before it was time...be still my heart! She didn't cry one time. Rachel was ready and completely confident that her Savior, her Great Physician would come to her rescue...and He did in a mighty, mighty way!
I was and continue to be in awe of her grace, well beyond her years, and her quiet confidence in her Lord. I would love to have heard what He chose to sing over her and the precious words of love and comfort that He whispered in her ear the entire time that she was in surgery...one day I will get to hear Him tell me the story.
Over the weekend, I was doing a little blog hopping and I found this incredible Christian t-shirt company, the Wild Olive Tees, they had a beautiful t-shirt with the same verse that I had prayed over Rachel and I just had to get it for Rachel!

I placed my order and quickly tabbed to what I thought was our correct state, but instead entered TN instead of TX and hit, order. Oh, no! I found an email address and quickly asked them to change my order. In the mean time, I received an email confirmation of my order. So, I replied to that email while trying to explain a little bit of Rachel's story and how much that verse has meant to us.
A precious lady named Aime responded. This was what she said, "We all saw the second email come in at the same time, and were blown away by the testimony!!!AWESOME!!!! That made us smile BIG!!! God is so good! If it is okay with you, we would like to treat your daughter to this shirt....Thanks for sharing a smile!"
Wow! Her shirt is on its way....what a blessing! I am so thankful for Aime and this amazing company and for Who it represents.
So....................I want to pass the blessing on to you too.
Yes! A GIVEAWAY!!!!!
You have been an amazing support to us and I want you to bless YOU. While, I would love to give all of you one of their t-shirts, I can only give one away. So, all you have to do is visit their online store www.wildolivetees.com leave me a comment telling me what your favorite design is and then you will be entered in my giveaway. I will put all of your names in a basket and then Rachel will draw the name on Saturday, December 5th. You have until 5:00 pm (central time) on Saturday, December 5th to enter.
One more thing, if you would like a second chance, tell me that you are a follower of my blog (join today if you like) and I'll add your name to the basket AGAIN, for a second chance. Oh, this will be so much fun! Happy shopping, their t-shirts are incredible.
Whew! That was fun. Now, please go visit the Wild Olive Tees and Penny Raine for more Word Filled Wednesday inspirations.
Rachel is such a walking miracle of God. Praise Him for His blessings upon her.
Praise God!!! What an incredible testimony! Our office Bible study has been praying, although with the days away for Thanksgiving, it is taking several days to get her card circulated throughout. Thanks for sharing this great report. I love that the company did that for your precious girl! A mutual blessing, indeed! ; )
I just found your blog via WFW...and Rachel's story is amazing. She looks fabulous! God is so good!!
You have your very own miracle to hold...I sit in tears looking at her...what a journey.
Praising God along with you.
The Wild Olive gals are amazing! I've sent their shirts off to some of my favorite people! They are in it for all the right reasons!
Thanks Kiki for sharing this today about Rachel...rejoicing with you!
Glory to God!!! Glorious news! Blessings upon blessings Kristi!!!
I'm so thankful! Praising God and so glad that this is Rachel's scripture from Zephaniah. She looks wonderful and you have a beautiful WFW! WONDER FILLED WORD of God's WORD! I kept reading & reading, tears too as I thanked & gave God His due glory for Rachel's miracle...now continuing to trust, pray & believe for Rachel's complete healing with no more headaches of any kind & this VICTORY of Rachel's Divine Miracle & your beautiful testimony! It's so wonderful to hear all the prayer support especially about the schools. He is so faithful! This is GREAT news! Love the t-shirts! Rachel can proudly wear BELOVED!!!
Glory to the King! Bless you & much peace & rest sent with prayers!
Glory to God!!! Glorious news! Blessings upon blessings Kristi!!!
I'm so thankful! Praising God and so glad that this is Rachel's scripture from Zephaniah. She looks wonderful and you have a beautiful WFW! WONDER FILLED WORD of God's WORD! I kept reading & reading, tears too as I thanked & gave God His due glory for Rachel's miracle...now continuing to trust, pray & believe for Rachel's complete healing with no more headaches of any kind & this VICTORY of Rachel's Divine Miracle & your beautiful testimony! It's so wonderful to hear all the prayer support especially about the schools. He is so faithful! This is GREAT news! Love the t-shirts! Rachel can proudly wear BELOVED!!!
Glory to the King! Bless you & much peace & rest sent with prayers!
Love "Clothed Yourself" & the blue one: Beauty to ashes! The Olive Tree original tee is Classic! Love the classics...I'm so glad that they gave you BELOVED! Rachel will look great in that red!
What a miracle Rachel truly is!!!
I LOVE the 'beauty from ashes' shirt...and YES, I'm a follower.
Blessing your sweet, kind, heart my friend. :-)
Praise God for all He's done in Rachel. She is beautiful! I too love the "Beloved" t-shirt. That has been my nickname forever because I am His beloved one! And YES, I am a follower of your blog!!!
I'm just overjoyed, and givin God the glory for this miracle.
And you got a free tshirt too?!!
Now, I'm off to go check out the tshirts.
BLESSINGS to you My Liebs!!!
You remain in our prayers.
Love Lea
I think you just hooked me on a brand new site. I'll definitely be ordering tshirts from them; they are awesome! I like the black one that says And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge – that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
Okay, sorry this is so long. I just had to write that verse out. ;)
MY inlaws are coming TOMORROW... eeeek.. I gotta go clean my house!
later gaters,
PRAISE GOD! Thank you for sharing this today.
Have you heard the Glory Revealed CD? This verse is sung on that CD -- and it is my favorite song on it. If you haven't heard it -- check it out -- you'll love it.
Such a blessing! I agree, she really doesn't look like she just had brain surgery! Just beautiful. I am praying that God will allow her to fully recover and the headaches will be gone. You are all such a walking testimony. You all were going through such terrible times and were still right there staying true to God. That says a lot.
I'm praying for all of you. :0)
What an awesome t-shirt. I'm so glad they are doing that for you! I'm sure they will never forget her story.
I follow :)
Praise God! She looks so beautiful. I am so happy for her and your family.
I love the shirts. I would definitely order the transform shirt and I would proudly wear it to pick up our son from Ethiopia. That verse is one that I repeated over and over when we first began the adoption process. Once I cleared my mind of things of this world (excuses) all I could see was God's good and perfect will for our family to adopt.
Wow! Rachel looks amazing! What an incredible testimony you have given to us. I am soooo rejoicing with you over God's goodness.
I love the scripture you prayed over her. I visited the tshirt blog, and I loved them. My favorites were the "love (unfailing)" and "beloved". What an amazing company to give you a tshirt. God's people are so good.
Blessings to you all!
Oh yeah! And I am a follower!
I am a follower too. :0)
I would want the "No. Thing." t-shirt.
I read that and just knew right off that is the one I would want!
Such nice t's.
Oh just because I'm a competitor, here's my second comment to tell you that I'm a follower. Do I get bonus points for being an old follower? LOL
OH my friend, I am so excited to hear about Rachel and how good she is doing. I know that so many people were praying for her, us included. God is so AWESOME!
I looked at all the t-shirts and I would have chosen the Beloved shirt too.
Love you my friend.
Oh, she looks wonderful. I love that verse, and that was such a sweet prayer you prayed over her. I love the Sing Praises shirt. I am a follower now. :)
What a beautiful and precious miracle you have! That verse is the *perfect* prayer! Thank you so much for sharing this story today... I am so grateful to have found you through WFW!
I really like the 'unfolding' shirt!
Oh Kristi, It just blessed my heart so much to read this post and the previous one. PRAISE GOD! I can just read your thankfulness with each line.
Those are cute shirts, I like the "such things" one.
I began following your blog right before Rachel's surgery. It has been a privilege to pray for her and I praise GOD for the successful surgery. She is a beautiful young lady.
Blessings, hugs,and prayers,
I love that sweet smile on Rachel's face...what a blessing!
I love those shirts as well! I had never seen them before!
Rooted is probably my fave!
I'm just so glad she is smiling!
BTW - I've been following for over a year now! One of these days...if you are ever in my part of TX not TN you are welcome to stop by and have some chocolate!
Blessings sweet friend,
And here is that picture of Rachel... she looks so good!!
Love the story about the t-shirts... what great shirts they are with such a beautiful scripture verse. How special it would be to wear one knowing it came from your family. A wonderful opportunity it would provide to share a mighty witness for our Lord.
Love you all!
oh, and i'm going to follow your blog now too!!!!
i love thier site too! aimee is great and i have had the blessing of receiving several personal emails from her and only know her through "blog land"! she truly is the sweetest. so glad you got the t-shirt and the order changed!!!
And I am now a follower. :)
What an amazing testimony you have! I absolutely love the beloved tshirt and how perfect it had the scripture on it that you prayed over your daughter!!
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