What a week this has been! I'm so thankful that the girls are enjoying their classes, that Hannah hasn't had a bit of trouble with her locker, and that I managed to complete all of my homework assignments for the week. And then there have been a few other moments like my keeping it real post.
I have to admit when I forgot to give Hannah her lunch money, when one of my professors ran 15 minutes late which made me late to pick Hannah up from school today, and when I realized that I have 15 books for 5 English classes, I started to freak out a bit. I've had moments today where the tears wanted to flow but I didn't let them because I simply don't have time for that! (I feel that I need to tell you that I am so thankful to be back in school. I really enjoy school! I'm not having a pity party either, I've got my big girl panties on~as the saying goes.)
I sat at my computer tonight to tell you all about Living Proof Live this weekend. I got to meet Big Mama and Boo Mama at the conference. I even have a picture to show you. But, instead God blessed me with a sweet word of encouragement and reassurance. Isn't that just like Him? Oh, He knows exactly how to get to this heart of mine. I so needed to hear this Word tonight!
He said, " It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is Thy faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23.
Yes Lord, one day at a time. It's not my strength but Yours. You have called me here and You will complete the work that you started in me. I will not be consumed because great is Your faithfulness!!!
I'm so thankful for His great mercies. Lamentations 3:23 says they are new every morning. I've had moments this week where I have needed them every hour. Can you relate? You know what? He provided those new mercies. Instead of crying, He brought joy and laughter. (Okay, I'm crying a bit right now, but they are happy tears because I'm just so in awe of Him). When I brought Him failure, He provided a lesson that He is all sufficient. What a great God He is. I'll go anywhere He leads me!
I'm thankful that He is alive and active in me. I'll take weeks like this over complacency and just plain boring any day because He is showing me more of Himself, His power, and His great love. What a privilege to be His child-that is much to be thankful for!
May God always shine through you sweetie.
Be blessed to be in school and more importantly to be shown God. what a wonderful blessing. May you continue to get to know Him more and more, beter and better.
Hi Kristi,
What a beautiful post about living. thank you for sharing you week. Have a wonderful TT..
thank you for sharing your heart to us. life is beautiful in spite of all its imperfections. God bless you, kristi.
What a lovely post! Thanks for sharing. Remain blessed!
Well, I'm glad someone has their big girl panties on! I can't remember what happened, but the other day with my new job, I did start crying. It's over now, and I guess I have mine on now too.
You go girl. Thanks for reminding me, I don't have time for that crying business either!
Well I see that I"m not first today lol. That is one of my favorite verses my friend. You are doing great. Hang in there!
Amen Sister! I am thankful that He is able to do the work. He is able to get us through any tasks He asks of us...
Praise His name!
Amen to that! I love your heart that shares transparently and seeks Him always. It is so funny that our little girls can't wait to get their "big girl panties" on, but we, "the big girls," often shy away. I love the verse you shared as well. Have a great day.
So glad the week has gone well... even with the challenges it sounds like you have had. I love how you just "keep it real" and give us the good and the bad and how God blesses you thru it all.
Happy Thankful Thursday!
Awesome awesome awesome post! May God bless you for the encouragement and inspiration you have passed on to us, and may He make the school year great for you and the kids! Happy Thankful Thursday!
Kristi-I love your last paragraph..."I'm thankful that He is alive and active in me. I'll take weeks like this over complacency and just plain boring any day because He is showing me more of Himself, His power, and His great love. What a privilege to be His child-that is much to be thankful for!"
AMEN to that sweet sister in Jesus...more of You Lord Jesus pouring out of the inadequacy and insufficiency of me. Never wanting to be lukewarm.
Thanks for this posting and allowing God to guide your words even when they weren't what you set out to write. They are from HIM.
In Christ-Stacy
15 books! Oh my! I'd be in panic mode.
It sounds as though the conference was fabulous. Would you expect anything else from a gathering of worshipers! God always shows up.
Have a blessed weekend. (Reading one of your 15 books, I'm sure ;) )
Great post!
Happy Thankful Thursday!
This was such an encouragement to read! I had to giggle out loud about your "big girl panties" comment. I'll have to remember that one. Thanks for taking the time to share these sweet blessings amidst your busyness. Your heart truly blesses mine.
Hugs to you dear one. What a wonderful thankful list and what a warrior in Christ you are! Have a blessed Thankful Thursday.
Wonderful post... I jotted down the text from Lamentations so I can read and re-read it.
Yes, I've been in need of His mercies many times this week how awesome that He offers them anew each day! Have a blessed week ahead!!
Praise Him! Great is His faithfulness indeed and I am so thankful to be a child of God.
Good luck carrying those 15 books!!
I hope you are blessed in your schooling. Thank you for sharing your heart with us.
What a wonderful thankful Thursday post! Your thankfulness to our Lord for His mercies just jumps off the page! I too praise Him for those new mercies every day, some mornings I just tell Him, "Hear I am Lord, ready to receive Your new mercies."
Be Blessed!
Rejoicing with you on going back to school--and surviving!! 5 books for English--oh.my.gosh.
Keep at it, girlfriend--and wear those big girl panties, smile, and trust God!
What a beautiful post Kristi. I have just started back to work after 7 years & I have been overwhelmed this week as well, so thanks for the encouraging words
Amen, Kristi! Lamentations 3:22-23 are some of my favorites verses. I am so thankful too that God's mercies are new every morning. It has been my experience too. So thankful for the many wonderful ways God has been ministering to you and helping you. May you continue to know His love and mercies in many wonderful ways! Take care!
Thanks for sharing. On those chaotic days, hang on even tighter to Jesus....and breathe. So many times I think of everything that has to be done all at once. But all we can do is one step at a time. I'm so glad you're enjoying school. May His mercy and grace cover you and your family in your new schedules. Blessings on your weekend.
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