Happy Thankful Thursday to you! I'm so thankful that you stopped by my blog today. We have so many reasons to give thanks, don't we? No matter what kind of day I may be having, there are always so many things to be thankful for...too many to count.
I can remember as a little girl, I was having a particular difficult day at school. I was in the third grade at Collegiate School in Wichita, Kansas. I believe it was the first week of school. Our teacher was very strict. We had a test the very first week. Mom and I spent hours learning how to write the 7 Continents correctly. I was confident on the day of the test.
I have to tell you, I am a rule follower. I'm also a people pleaser, although God has been working in my heart in this particular area. Anyway, I vividly remember this new, very strict, teacher telling us to take out a pencil and piece of paper. Then she said, "Write every word that I say. I mean it write exactly every word that I say." Then she said..."Write the seven continents."
So, being the rule follower that I am, I wrote in my best 3rd grade penmanship, "Write the seven continents." I checked to make sure that I wrote "every word," and turned my paper over. I was the first one finished and I thought to myself, whew, that was so easy!
The next day I received my test back, expecting an A, I saw in horror a big, fat, red F on my paper! I could hardly stand it. I was a straight A student. I had never received a grade even close to this one. I had to fight to hold back the tears all day long. I can remember giving my test to my parents and then the tears began to flow. My teacher thought I was being a smart-alec. She didn't know, I was just trying to do what she had asked me to do. I think my friends laughed at me that day too and that hurt. I was having a Norbert kind of day! (Norbert is the main character in a fabulous children's book by John Trent called, I'd Choose You).
I remember my mom listened to me cry that day and she tried to encourage my heart. She told me not to worry and that it would all be okay. My parents took care of that incident for me. Go Mom & Dad! I'm thankful for parents that will fight for their children when we need it. She was right, it did all turn out okay.
She showed me that I can still be thankful even when I'm having a Norbert kind of day. She taught me how to write down my blessings. It's amazing how your attitude changes when you start writing down what you are thankful for.
As an adult, I still have Norbert kind of days. This world tries to steal my joy and to be honest sometimes I just let it get to me. God tenderly reminds me of a special lesson from childhood and I get out a pencil and paper and list my blessings. I can never finish a page before I'm sporting a new 'tude (attitude) and the joy and thankfulness returns.
After all, aren't we suppose to be joyful always? (I Thessalonians 5:16) Take it from me, it's much easier to be joyful when you have a thankful heart of praise as an offering to Him. How long has it been since you wrote your blessings down? How long has it been since I wrote my blessings down?
Focusing on your blessings is so wonderful!
This was such an awesome thankful post, really enjoyed it sweetie.
Thanks Kristi for sharing this lovely post with us. Mothers are so precious! Thank God for your loving mother who taught you to write down your blessings. It is indeed wonderful to count our blessings and see the goodness of God despite whatever difficult situations we are in. Thanks for sharing your thankful heart with us. Take care and God bless!
You go girl! Ok so I kind of laughed at the literally writing down what she said. But I probably wouldn't have laughed in your face if I was your friend in 3rd grade. I remember devastating things that embarrassed me greatly in school and am glad I don't have to do it all over again lol. Great reminder of writing down your blessings. I need to do that more often.
Talk with you soon my friend.
Girl, once again I can so relate to that. I would have done the same thing! One time I even told a girl she had a word misspelled on her spelling test just because I wanted to help her. I didn't understand cheating...we didn't really use that word in our home. She told on me and of course I got in trouble...but I had great parents to go home to. Thanks for reminding us to write down the blessings.
Have a great day.
I have Norbert days too sometimes. Enjoyed your post.
Kristi, I love this Thankful Thursday post! You're right... how can we let the Norbert days get us down when we have so very much for which to be thankful?! Oh, yes, it's easy to let the world tell us we should be down on those days, but if we turn to God, He'll bring us right back up again!
Blessings to you today, my friend! May you always be able to list all those wonderful blessings and be reminded of the goodness of God!
Thanks for sharing your!
Awesome post!
Have a great day!
God bless your precious heart. I think we all have those days and praise God, that our Heavenly Father, loves us irregardless and without conditions.
He must sit back and chuckle as He gently wipes away our tears to give us comfort and say,"That's okay I am here".
Praying God blesses you with a wonderful day dear Sister!
Lovely post, although I feel badly that you still think about that day from the 3rd grade!
You are wonderful, Norbert days & all!
Kristi===That was the sweetest and neatest post!I can just imagine your parents "taking care of the situation"!!
This was so good~I really enjoyed it!
What a precious story!
Blessings today Kristi!!! I know that the Fiesta is coming up...You must be so excited :) Thanks for stopping by today. I am getting used to you being a regular visitor (which means please be a regular visitor :)
"Take it from me, it's much easier to be joyful when you have a thankful heart of praise as an offering to Him." Amen.
Thanks for sharing. I'm also thankful for your blog playing one of my favorites right now... Washed by Water.
Have a blessed day!
Wow, I relate to being a rule follower. I probably could have done that too. Thankful for your parents support and your mom's wisdom.
Good to remember as we all have Norbert days. Like waves, Norbert days tend to knock us over. Thankfully God is our firm place to stand. He can push back those waves and keep us standing on solid ground.
Take care!
Loved this.
God's blessings are amazing, aren't they? I'm so glad your mom stood up for you, just as you stand up for your children today. God bless you for sharing that with us. I'm a rule follower and people-pleaser, too, so I know the struggles that come with that. Happy TT!
Oh the innocence of childhood! Sounds like you learned a valuable lesson from it, though I can imagine it being incredibly painful at the time.
What a great post...
Happy Thankful Thursday to you!
Beautiful post, thanks for stopping by! Your heart and transparency that you show is so refreshing!
God bless,
PS Lexi said thank you for what you wrote to her.
Kristi, I love this! So down to earth, so true! I probably would have done the same thing, thinking it was a trick quiz or something. And thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a great day (and I hope the skunk smell goes away soon! Life is never dull!)
Kristi, write the 7 continents "now." heheoaoaoaoaoo Ohmigosh,... that is going to stay with me awhile... and I expect next time I do an attiude check, I'll be thinking it's a tude check. LOL
Loved your post today. You have a wonderful Kristi way about you!
Thanks for signing my guestbook too! It means SO MUCH TO ME!
I am THANKFUL to have met you.
Thank you for sharing. I have enjoyed reading your post. What a blessing.
You just reminded me of a song my Grandma Joy sang to me..."Count your blessings, name them one by one. Count your blessings, see what God has done. Count your blessings. Name them one by one. Count your many blessings, see what God has done."
Thanks for the reminder!
As a retired third grade teacher, I pray that all went well following this unfortunate incident with the whole relationship. I can truly see how you would have misunderstood, yet of course, I can see her side, also. But praise God He alone can fill inany blanks and mend all relatioships! Blessings!Carolyn
What a great post and a great lesson from your past, thanks for sharing!
This is such a great story. Thank you for sharing it.
What a blessing your post was today! You're so right. Our attitude does change when we CHOOSE to be grateful or thankful.
I always felt protected too, if my parents defended me when I was right.
Glad I stopped by. Enjoyed reading your list.
Have a great evening.
From one rule follower to another, this touched my heart! The song is also amazing.
Psalm 100:4 "Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name"
God bless you!
Great post. Sounds like you have a wonderful Mom and Dad. You are very blessed. Thanks for sharing your story. Happy Thankful Thursday!
Oh what a conviction writing all our blessing down . Thanks wonderful post about changing our attitude.
What a great story! Thank you for sharing it Kristi. It's often hard to remember to count blessing when a day isn't going right.
I would have to say this is one of my all time favorite TT posts!
I love this post! Thank you for reminding me on living joyfully! You have a loving mother. Blessings to both of you.
OH Kiki,
What a story!! I could see myself doing the very same thing!
How precious.
Sorry you had to endure that.
Thanks for stopping by.
Have a blessed day♥
Wonderful thankful post! I need to do that more! Write down my blessings! You reminded me of my son also! I hope that I have been enough of an advocate for him. Sometimes I wonder!
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