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Welcome to my little corner of the world. I am so honored by your visit today. My name is Kristi and I am married to my college sweetheart(I refer to him here as "Mr. Incredible"), momma to my 2 beautiful girls who are growing much too quickly, a high school computer teacher, photographer, and a gardener (at times~right now I'm growing weeds). I love to laugh, drink strong Starbucks coffee, take pictures, and be anywhere my family is. Jesus is my Savior and I try so hard to be the wife and momma that He has called me to be. I often fail but He lovingly picks me up, dusts me off, and encourages me that with Him all things are possible. Feel free to join me on this journey of faith, stop in and say hello, look around, and leave a comment~I love comments. Why "Kiki's Corner?" My nephews call me Aunt Kiki and I love that too.

Pure Delight...Our Snow Day!

Today is "Thankful Thursday" and I am so happy to participate. I am still rejoicing and thanking the Lord for such a fun, joy-filled snow day. The weather man was forecasting snow...a lot of snow....4-6 inches...yes that is a lot of snow in our area of Texas.

Hannah looked at me and said, "Momma, you're wearing your snowflake pajamas tonight, aren't you?" I smiled and said, "of course." My family teases me about my hopes of a white Christmas or a snow day whenever they see me wearing my snowflake pjs but I wear them anyway.

I not only wore them to bed that night, but I wore them outside to capture pictures of the white wonderland the next morning. I put my heavy coat on over it, so I wouldn't embarrass myself in front of the neighbors and topped them off with my snow boots....I looked lovely (yeah right!) or as Hannah exclaimed in pure sarcasm, "Momma, you look hot!" and then she rolled on the floor in laughter. Thank you, baby girl! Wanna see? No, not the whole ensemble, just the snowflake pj's because I snapped a photo of at its finest around here:

The snow was so beautiful and so deep so I grabbed a ruler to measure:

My family was inside enjoying the warmth from the fireplace:

And texting and playing games. There is a new app on I-tunes called Words Free with Friends and my girls love to play it. I don't have the heart to tell them that it is really just Scrabble but in a cool new way to play it. They are gaining new vocabulary words and skills, so I will just make that my little secret. My 93 year old grandmother would be so proud. Here are the girls texting and playing...and might I add, looking hot too. LOL!

Mr. Incredible was working from home on his laptop and playing Words with Friends too. I was so happy that he stayed home with us! That is a first. Normally, he braves the weather (it's not like it happens very often) and drives to work anyway. Not this day, and that was pure delight!

When I was outside, I did see one of my neighbors, while I was looking oh so fashionable...but it was my dad, so I was okay. He has seen me look worse, I think....on second thought, maybe not my outfit was pretty horrendous. He has been battling bronchitis but thankfully is feeling much better today. I love having my parents as neighbors...what a blessing.

Look at what is happening in my garden:

I am getting so excited about gardening. This beautiful blanket of snow will provide much needed moisture for my vegetables and flowers....I can hardly wait.

After a yummy breakfast, I made some warm potato soup and begged my family (it really didn't take much begging) to come outside with me. I promised them that I would put on a more respectable outfit...and it worked. Here is Hannah making a snow angel:

And then the little angel got up and fired a snowball at her sister:

who was waiting with her own snowball:

Chloe, my parent's cat braved the cold to walk over and say hello:

My family built a snowman together:

We got a little creative with the hair and eyes:

My girls are beautiful...but the snow creature....I don't know:

It wasn't long before daddy started a snow fight. I had to remind him that Rachel had brain surgery only 3 months ago (another thankful Thursday item~she still is headache free!!!)so he gently rolled her in the snow as Hannah came to her sister's rescue:

He wasn't so gentle with this one...but she can take it...really, she can:

Look at her grab his leg!

I have many more photos; I took over 100 that day...but don't worry, I'm stopping here. It was a delightful snow day. One that will live long in my memory.
Thank you, Father for the pure white delight that blanketed our home and our hearts this week. You are so good to Your children!


Unknown said...

Kristi - praise God for the smiles on your girls and husband. What fun!

I love the new header!

Blessings and grace,

Erica said...

Hey girl...what a fun, fun day!!
Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures of your beautiful family!

Melanie said...

Sounds like the perfect day!

Happy Thankful Thursday, Kristi!

Kim@Seasons of My Heart said...

Oh I LOVE it!! I <3 seeing people in the south enjoying snow...cause us Northern-bird...can't even get a snow day when we get a foot! lol

Thanks for sharing the pictures from your amazing day!

Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

Well you didn't have to stop with the pictures on my account. I was smiling from ear to ear looking at them.
Such a fun day!

Denise said...

Such a fun post.

LeAnn said...

How fun! Snow is a normal thing where we live, but I do delight in it still. Also, there are times when it still surprises me!

Debra Kaye said...


Wow! I can't imagine that much snow. It has been really cold here. Josh keeps saying that Florida is broken! lol This day looks like pure joy to me. I'm so glad Rachel is doing well and headache free. Praising the Lord for all of His mercies in every form they come!

Thank you for your heartfelt comments about my son. Isn't it amazing how we have all kind of watched each other's children grow and go through hardships and blessings and the one common factor that we can celebrate together is Christ and His infinite sovereignty over all of us.

Love ya oh so much!

Tracy said...

How awesome! You've given me a new appreciation for snow today. We've seen so much of it here this year that now it just makes us cranky (hate to admit that but it's true!) Seeing you guys having so much fun gives reason to rejoice about that snow. So glad you had such a great family day together...what great memories!