Hannah is playing junior high basketball this year and it is such a blast to watch her play! She has looked forward to this day since her big sister started playing basektball. She wears her new jersey proudly.
Her first game was complete with a fan club of 11 family members and wow the team did not disappoint. They won big time and Hannah scored 13 points. We were so excited!
Monday night they played again...and they won...and she scored 10 points. She is loving every minute of it. She is fiercely competitive....I wonder where she gets that. Ha! Bless her heart, she has competitive genes from both sides of the family.
I worried that this might be a little hard on Rachel since she is not able to play basketball this year. It has been hard to watch her fellow high school friends playing basketball without her but in all of her courage and grace she has managed to attend a few games to watch her friends play and cheer them on.
Rachel is just as excited about Hannah's game as Hannah is. Before Hannah's first game, I made a photo button of Hannah for me to wear to school and Rachel quickly asked me to make one for her too. She has worn Hannah's button to the high school before every game. I love the sweet sisterhood God has blessed my girls with.
Rachel is just as excited about Hannah's game as Hannah is. Before Hannah's first game, I made a photo button of Hannah for me to wear to school and Rachel quickly asked me to make one for her too. She has worn Hannah's button to the high school before every game. I love the sweet sisterhood God has blessed my girls with.
{I have tears streaming down my cheeks because this is the relationship I prayed that they would have and it is even sweeter than I imagined.}
On another note, thank you for your continued prayers for Rachel. This has been a tough week for her physically. She always has a headache but this week's headaches seem to be enormous and she is struggling with muscle twitching, numbness in her extremities, and muscle weakness. In spite of all of this, she has been able to go to school and we are so thankful for that.
Dear Kristi,
I just found your blog, and I'm so glad I did. I've enjoyed going back and reading a number of your posts.
Your family is so beautiful! Your daughters are just precious. I have three sons, so i can only imagine what life must be like with pretty girls instead of handsome boys. :)
I read about Rachel and her upcoming surgery. God bless you, dear woman. My middle son had extremely complicated heart surgery last year, and I know your mother's heart is trembling these days. I will pray that the surgery goes beautifully. So often God chooses to heal us through the skilled hands of a physician. Although the surgery will be difficult, I pray that it will be wonderfully successful and that she will enjoy complete relief from her symptoms. God bless you as you guide her through this difficult time.
Continuing to pray for Rachael. The love and bond between sisters is awesome. I, too am thankful GOD gave your girls this strong bond.
Blessings, hugs, and prayers, andrea
Hello my friend. What a fun time to watch your daughter play and with such gusto! I bet it makes her feel good to know her family is cheering her on.
I feel so bad for Rachel but it sounds like she is handling it well. I so pray for healing for that girl!
Keep us posted on her condition.
Love ya
That's so fun! I'm glad that Hannah's season is off to such a great start.
I love a basketball playing girl and what a precious relationship sisters have. Beautiful. I've been so out of touch. Getting medical records together, I've been booked with Mary Kay parties (this would be a great way to get me out there, you know) and well, husband, son, trips....whew!
I am a little anxious but I also know Who is in complete control. I am praying for your family too and feel such a bond.
Feeling your hug, my sister, and embracing the love and sending it right back :)
Both your daughters are so cute. Praying for Rachael ~
Hannahs uniform is sooo cute! Boy they didnt have em like that when I played that's for sure. I was the big girl on the team and those tight polyester stripes down the sides only made me look like ... well; you really don't want to know. :) haa
Anyways, those games sound so exciting and I wish her well!!
I'm prayin with all my heart that Rachels surgery goes perfectly and that her headaches and symptoms are completely cured!! My love to you ALL.
Big bear hug my Lieb!!! FROM one MOMMA TO ANOTHER. I'm believing WITH YOU!!
Hi Kristi, I just wanted you to know that I am praying for your daughter Rachel, and your family.
God Bless,
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