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Welcome to my little corner of the world. I am so honored by your visit today. My name is Kristi and I am married to my college sweetheart(I refer to him here as "Mr. Incredible"), momma to my 2 beautiful girls who are growing much too quickly, a high school computer teacher, photographer, and a gardener (at times~right now I'm growing weeds). I love to laugh, drink strong Starbucks coffee, take pictures, and be anywhere my family is. Jesus is my Savior and I try so hard to be the wife and momma that He has called me to be. I often fail but He lovingly picks me up, dusts me off, and encourages me that with Him all things are possible. Feel free to join me on this journey of faith, stop in and say hello, look around, and leave a comment~I love comments. Why "Kiki's Corner?" My nephews call me Aunt Kiki and I love that too.

We Have a New Addition:

With beautiful brown eyes and blond-ish hair...and huge horns!  Please, welcome "Audie" the Aoudad to our family:

 Last week, my man proudly came through the door after a long day of work.  He was smiling from ear to ear and carrying something.  The "something" was his much anticipated Aoudad that he hunted back in the fall.  He has been counting the days until his treasure was ready.  It didn't take five minutes for him to find the perfect spot in our "Texas" family room. 

No, I'm not a hunter/huntress unless you count shopping as a sport, but I love my man, and Audie is pretty cool!

Rachel was taking a little nap when her daddy came home so she missed all of the festivities of hanging Audie on the wall.  When she woke up from her nap, she walked to the family room, sat on the couch, turned on the TV, noticed something different on the wall and started screaming, "Hannah!  Get in here!" 

Hannah giggled, apparently, Rachel had met Audie.  Surprise!

1 comment:

Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

I was raised with deer heads on the wall. Everyone hunted in Maine and it was kind of like a right of passage to have some sort of animal head on your wall. LOL!
Tell your hubby great job. And Hi Audie. I can see him wearing a Santa hat at Christmas. LOL!
Have a great day my friend.