I love the beauty of these trees and the wisdom of this verse. We ought to be growing in His grace and knowledge every day! I have to admit that I wasn't very full of grace this past Sunday. I let someone steal my joy and it showed all over my face and in my mannerisms and to be perfectly honest, I hate to admit this, I didn't care. Ouch!
Ya'll know how busy this semester has been but how good God has been to help me with all of my reading assignments and numerous papers. Well, Monday night I couldn't write. Although I had spent nearly 10 days preparing to write this paper, the thoughts would not flow. I wrote 2 out of 8 pages in 6 hours.
My mom was so sweet to call and check on me. She asked me how my paper was coming and I told her that I was frustrated because I just couldn't write it. I said, "I think it may be a spiritual problem." The Holy Spirit kept reminding me of my behavior and my attitude. Mom lovingly encouraged some "face down on the floor time with the Lord." I so appreciate her love and encouragement.
I finally relented and humbled myself before the Lord and asked Him to forgive me for my pride and lack of showing His grace to a particular person.
Guess what?
Instantly the writing began to flow.
Hmmm...it was a spiritual problem after all. I may have only had 3 hours of sleep that night, but I felt renewed and comforted in knowing that I wasn't writing this paper alone because God was right there helping me. I found out early the next morning that mom was "on night duty" too. She stayed awake from 12 until 1:30 praying for me. Isn't she amazing? I am dearly loved!
You are dearly loved too. God loves you and I too much to leave us the way that we are and I am so thankful. I want to daily grow in His grace and knowledge don't you?
Joyfully Forgiven,
PS Please visit my friends at the 160acre woods for more Word Filled Wednesday inspiration!
What a beautiful reminder....and a beautiful story of you and your Mom. Oh the love of a Mother. It was a blessing to read and it made my heart glad.
Hope you have a wonderful WFW!
The best part of fall has to be the changing of the colors...where I am..there are two colors...green then brown..nothing in between. LOL
Hello sister!
It's kind of funny how God inspired you to grow in your faith as He inspired me to write about how to remember the faith that He establishes in each of us while we're young. Pretty cool, huh?
LOVED, LOVED your Scripture-picture! I love the fall foliage!
Bless you sister!
Beautiful photo to go with this verse! And what an encouraging story to share! God knows just what we need at the right time!
Wow! Powerful post about growing in grace...something I could certainly benefit from. Thank you for sharing so honestly. How beautifully the Lord worked through your humbled heart and that of your precious Momma. What an awesome blessing! Thank you.
How wonderful that you listened to the teaching of your Father and that your mom was praying for you. You are blessed!
Love the photo! It is taken from such a unique angle. The verse is great, too!
Have a great week!
Oh boy did I need t hear that today. I have been kind of stagnant in my faith and grace for a few weeks now. I need to go before God.
God is so good. I love that he cares even for the little things in our lives. And thank the Lord for Moms huh?
Beautiful sweetie, very beautiful.
Beautiful Picture!
A lovely reminder that there is beauty in growth and change.
Thanks for sharing this lovely reminder...I totally understand what you mean, it is when we humble ourselves and life everything up to him that we are able to do the things we need to do...
Happy WFW!
Thanks for this moving testimony of God's greatness- how he comes through when we humble ourselves in obedience! Thanks for being authentic in your weakness. We need more of that to truly communicate God's love and provision!!
Amen - how freeing when we go to the Lord! Have a blessed day growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior.
Tammy @ http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/mominmi
AMEN Kristi!
Face to the floor - humble ourselves and allow His love to flow!
Such wisdom in that verse but grow...not be stagnet, stop learning, seeking Him or falling more in love - keep on growing in His grace and knowledge! Such encouragment!
Love and blessings!
That is one of the most beautiful pictures of fall I've ever seen. Wowzer. And your testimony made it come to life in me. Thank you for sharing that wonderful story.
Love the Scripture and the pretty fall colors. Our trees finally changed this week and "fall" came to Mississippi last night and blew most of the leaves off, LOL.
I'm so glad you got your problem rectified with God and I think it's precious that your Mother is so *there* for you!
Happy WFW!
Bless You. Be encouraged.
...and Leave it to MOM! Right?
The Fall leaves along with the verse on Growth is a reminder to me that we have the FALL seasons where things seem to fall off and apart and chaos seems to reign. In GOD's time -- it's ALL GROWTH.
Wow.. what a great Mom you've got Kristi! How beautiful that she stayed up praying for you that night.
This is a gorgeous picture and perfect scripture.
Hey, I love that graduation countdown you added to your sidebar. I'm going to be watching and counting down with you!
Happy WFW!
I particularly enjoyed your story about writing... I have BEEN there! Of course it's been about five years, but those long nights of studying and writing (and crying!) are as plain as day still! Love the verse... it fits!
a wonderful reminder! and i love the story you posted with it! what an encouragement
Awwww, what a neat testimony. What a beautiful picture and reminder.
Yes, we all need to spend time face down many times.
Glad you submitted and God took over.
Beautiful verse and picture! And a tough lesson that I have had to learn a time or two myself. But, thank goodness, God doesn't leave us where we are. He loves us too much to let us get stagnant.
Thank you for the reminder today, my friend!
What a wonderful Mom you have! Great advise and wonderful legacy.
Also, I LOVE, LOVE the fall picture! Did you create this?
Beautiful verses with thie pretty photo..
I'm glad things opened up for you
Thank you for this very encouraging post...how much we each need to be spurred on to live always in Christ.
What a beautiful reminder. Also thank you so much for the encouraging words. God Bless you!
The trees are indeed beautiful!
Thank you for sharing your lovely story - prayer is amazing!
Beautiful Fall Picture and I love the verse....
I too have a wonderful Godly MOM... what a blessing!
Sweet Blessings,
Great post! The photo and verse are beautiful. Thanks for sharing your testimony of God's working in your life. You are blessed with a godly heritage.
Blessings Kristi...what a great testimony...of the wisdom of a mother's words & your obedience produced just what you needed!
I, too love this verse!!! And I so love fall that your photo is perfect for me to cherish the Lord
in all His Grace and splendor... you & your wise mom covered the knowledge and look at how we grew!!
Each of us grows tall & full when we give Him GLORY!!! He is a loving & forgiving God & His grace flows to a repentant heart & an obedient one! God be praised! Thanks for sharing & visiting me or I might have missed your wonderful WORD to end my word filled Wed. with a great testimony of God's glory in Grace & the devoted love of a mom & a joyful forgiven daughter of the King! I'm so glad you didn't resist
Now we wait for the final results!
I just love that. So often it is a spiritual issue that manifests itself in so many other arenas.
What a great mom you have! Face down on the floor is always a good place to be.
beautiful verse and picture! thanks for sharing! :)
Great post! You inspire me! bless you dear friend.
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