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Welcome to my little corner of the world. I am so honored by your visit today. My name is Kristi and I am married to my college sweetheart(I refer to him here as "Mr. Incredible"), momma to my 2 beautiful girls who are growing much too quickly, a high school computer teacher, photographer, and a gardener (at times~right now I'm growing weeds). I love to laugh, drink strong Starbucks coffee, take pictures, and be anywhere my family is. Jesus is my Savior and I try so hard to be the wife and momma that He has called me to be. I often fail but He lovingly picks me up, dusts me off, and encourages me that with Him all things are possible. Feel free to join me on this journey of faith, stop in and say hello, look around, and leave a comment~I love comments. Why "Kiki's Corner?" My nephews call me Aunt Kiki and I love that too.

Where do you Shop?

Hello October breeze!

It actually felt a little bit like fall early this morning!  I wore my customary pajamas with my flip-flops to retrieve the newspaper off of our driveway and I was greeted by the crisp coolness of Fall.  It was delightful!  And made me long for my fluffy pink robe.

I think the temperatures stayed in the low 70's all of Sunday afternoon; we even had a few rain showers.  It was the best afternoon to take a nap.  Even though the temperature are suppose to be back in the 80's this week, that's okay, because I felt Fall this morning and I know it will soon be here to stay. 

I hope that ya'll had a great weekend!  We travelled to the out of town football game Friday night where our mighty buffaloes were sadly defeated.  My heart hurt for the boys who were trying so hard out on the field to get some kind of play going.  I think they sacked our quarterback a dozen times.  Our boys fought hard but the other team fought even harder. 

I have to tell you that the sidelines of this field were tiny.  They were so tiny, that I really had to watch where I stopped to take pictures and to remember that if the players are getting larger in my viewfinder then they are getting really close to me.  Within the first quarter this happened:

That would be the game ball flying towards ME!  And where was my man????  He was right beside me saying, "Watch out!"  Still, I snapped the picture and then moved to the side as the ball landed at my feet.   That was a little close!  I get tickled looking at the picture above because all of the football guys are watching the ball.  I'm sad that they lost but I still felt blessed to be on the sidelines with them trying to encourage them to keep trying and to not be discouraged.

We drove home and then fell into bed at one in the morning.  We were tired.  Saturday afternoon I took another teacher certification test for an additional certification.  The Lord was so good to remind me that in my anxiety over this test that He was with me every step of the way.  I even had the joy of sitting in seat #7 which I thought was a pretty cool reminder that He was with me.

But after the test I felt a little bit like this player probably felt after getting hit so hard:

So, I headed to Stein Mart to let off a little steam before heading home to my family.  I didn't find one cute thing there but I did find a little toddler named Toby who had lost his mother and was crying.  Bless his little heart.  He had been hiding from his mother while she shopped but she got too far away and he lost her.  She was just as frantic to find him. I felt sorry for both of them and was happy to help. 

After that, I left Stein Mart and headed to Dillards to see what they had for fall....and I found NOTHING!  Every bit of clothing that I came across was either too sexy, if you know what I mean, or too frumpy.  And sexy frump-girl is not the look I want.  I tried JC Penney's....same look.  Oiy!

I should have tried Kohls but I figured they would have the same things so I just went home to my family.  Where is a girl to shop these days?  Really! I want to know.  Where do you shop?  I love Macy's but there is not one in a 400 mile radius.  Please, help a girl out, save me from being sexy frump-girl and give me the 411, please!  I'll love you forever!


Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

Do you really want me to answer that question? LOL! For comfort tops, I shop Wal-Mart. For jeans and dresses, Sears. For cute tops, Ross or Marshal's. For underwear.....never mind.
So there you have it. Glad you asked? LOL!
Oh and love the picture of the football coming at you and Kudos to your hubby for at least giving you a shout out. Ha! Sorry they lost.

Unknown said...

I am NOT a shopper & you just saved me some extra trips as I am in need of fall clothing, but shop the stores you mentioned. Maybe they're different in Michigan? Even Wal-Mart has poopy looking clothes right now.....:(
The football pics are much like some of the college soccer pics I take. I, too, am on the sidelines & sometimes they are very, very small. The parents always accuse me of wanting to really be a "ball boy/girl" on the sidelines! NOT - too much running involved in that! :|

Janessa Cowan said...

My new fave store is Coldwater Creek. We went to Albuquerque about a month ago and my mom went into the store to shop. I just went in with her so I didn't have to sit in the car. I love, love, love there fall stuff. Russell tells me it's an old woman's store, but I tell him that I have to shop there so that I can look as old as he is, otherwise, people would think he robbed the cradle! Ha!

Lana said...

My fave shops are Cato's and Fashion Bug!

But my fave all time fave is still my Mom's closet! She loves giving me her hand-me-downs that still has the tags on! (I think she just likes to shop! And I ♥ that!)

Blessings to you,

Erica said...

I love Ann Taylor Loft. Yes,they are a little more pricey, but their clothes fit really well, hold up nicely, and they do have great sales! I got two pair of really great jeans for $35!