I gave the first test this morning. One test down and only 2 more to go!

If you think about my girls this week, would you please say a little prayer? I am praying specifically that His perfect peace would cover them completely, that they would be focused and have quick recall of all that they have learned, and that God would enable them to do the best of their ability knowing He is with them every step of the way.

And please pray for this teacher too. One little delinquent painted men's body parts on Rachel's car and I wanted to strangle him...I mean hug him really, really tightly! It was intended as a joke...but this momma is not laughing one bit. What a week! Oiy! I'm thankful I don't have to do this week in my own power or ability. He somehow makes me way better than I could possibly be on my own...oh what a Saviour!
Oh bless your sweet...sweet..heart. I'll be sending prayes your way ALL week from MN!
Love ya.
Oh tests are so stressful. I pray that they are calm and do EXCELLENT!
And I'd HUG that boy really hard if I were you too! Sheesh!
Hugs (Loving Hugs!) LOL!
I hope you all are having a good week and the testing has gone smoothly. That test just puts so much stress on the kids and teachers!
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