Today is Secretary's Day. So, in honor of our wonderful high school secretary, we all brought breakfast foods to celebrate. I always seem to bring the same thing that someone else brought. Last time I baked Sister Shubert pigs in a blanket (if you haven't tried Sister Shubert rolls, they are out of this world good and you can find them at HEB or Walmart) and someone else did too. Another time I made a breakfast casserole....and someone else did too.
I racked my brain and decided to make a watermelon fruit basket but when I went to the grocery store, I saw the most beautiful ruby red strawberries and changed my mind. I made chocolate dipped strawberries and they were so good. I know because my family sampled about a dozen last night...but don't tell anyone. :-) And guess what? No one else made chocolate strawberries. Woo-hoo!

Hannah has gotten into photography just like me. She volunteered to climb on top of the kitchen island to take this picture. I set the white balance and exposure for her and this is what she shot:

Pretty cool view from on top of the island!
I use to think chocolate dipped strawberries were hard to make until I found this little secret:

Have you heard of Frutta? It makes chocolate dipped strawberries totally easy! All you do is take off the lid and the plastic, stick it in the microwave for about a minute and a half at 50% power, and then dip your strawberries. The chocolate is delicious....I could bathe in it....that good! Yum! I found mine at my local Albertsons but I've seen it at HEB and Walmart too. If you click on the Futta picture it takes you to their website.
So, I'm off to eat my weight in strawberries...just kidding, I'll be good and share with the rest of the faculty.
Ya'll have a blessed day!
Great idea! We've had yummy strawberries lately at HEB. Caleb loves them for a snack.
Thanks for the reminder today for Secretary's day. I am going to drop something off for our school secretary's. I know they do a lot of work!
Oh and I have a music download today you might be interested in.
Those looked amazing~I'm using past tense, b/c I know they are gone by now, or at least they would be at my house!
Bet you were a HIT!
GUESS WHAT? I use the very same chocolate dip! STUFF IS SO DADGUM good isn't it?! mmmm
How is everything else at the CORNER?
Kristi, I wanted to thank you for being a part of my first year of blogging! What a wonderful year it has been. I'm throwing a little party and as an honored guest, I would love for you to stop by and share a highlight of your year with all of us.
Cactus Happy,
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