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Welcome to my little corner of the world. I am so honored by your visit today. My name is Kristi and I am married to my college sweetheart(I refer to him here as "Mr. Incredible"), momma to my 2 beautiful girls who are growing much too quickly, a high school computer teacher, photographer, and a gardener (at times~right now I'm growing weeds). I love to laugh, drink strong Starbucks coffee, take pictures, and be anywhere my family is. Jesus is my Savior and I try so hard to be the wife and momma that He has called me to be. I often fail but He lovingly picks me up, dusts me off, and encourages me that with Him all things are possible. Feel free to join me on this journey of faith, stop in and say hello, look around, and leave a comment~I love comments. Why "Kiki's Corner?" My nephews call me Aunt Kiki and I love that too.

One Year Ago Today

One year ago today I posted this:

January 4, 2009:  I'm crying as I type devotion today was simply written for me...although it was penned in 1925 by L. B. Cowman, Streams in the Desert

Here is what she writes:

Jesus replied, "You may go. Your son will live." The man took Jesus at his word and departed (John 4:50).

Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe. (Mark 11:24)

When you are confronted with a matter that requires immediate prayer, pray until you believe God--until with whole-hearted sincerity you can thank Him for the answer. Never pray in a way that diminishes your faith. You may tell Him you are waiting, still believing and therefore praising Him for the answer. There is nothing that so fully solidifies faith as being so sure of the answer that you can thank God for it.

The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith, and the beginning of true faith is the end of anxiety. George Mueller.

Faith is not a sense, nor sight, nor reason, but simply taking God at His word. Christmas Evans.

This is the time to look up through the storm, and among the trembling, frightened sailors declare, "I have faith in God that it will happen just as He told me." (Acts 27:25).
I love this! I'm clinging to this with every fiber of my being! I believe God is who He says He is and He can do what He says He will do. (Beth Moore, Moore) I'm choosing to believe God!
If you would, please remember us tomorrow as we visit with the pediatrician at 11:30. We are praying that he recommends the right neurologist and neurosurgeon and that we would listen to the Lord's leading every step of the way.

From this momma's heart, I thank you so much for your prayers. (Crying again) You'll never know how much your generosity in prayer means to us!

And Today:

I read the same devotion this very morning and remembered this post from last incredible to be on this side of it all.  To look back and see how marvelously God so many areas.  I am so humbled by His perfect His perfect His tender mercies and grace. I don't have words to properly show my great love for Him!  How awesome to be His child.  How do people do this thing called life without out Him?! 

What an awesome God! Rachel is back to school today.  Glory, hallelujah! 

(I'm giving away a copy of my favorite devotion book:  Streams in the Desert.  You still have time to enter my giveaway~see last Thursday's post to enter or click here. You have until 8:00 pm CST tonight)

PS  Traci is giving away a Lisa Leonard gift certificate!  Wow!  Lisa's designs are gorgeous. You can see them here.  Go visit  my friend Traci to enter this fabulous giveaway!


Andrea said...

I praise GOD for all HE has done and will continue to do in your heart and life (mine, too). I thank you for allowing me the privilege of following your journey of faith and praying for you and your precious Rachel. We are all blessed to grow with you.

Blessings, hugs, and prayers, andrea

Anonymous said...

I have goosebumps here! Thank you for sharing your sweet story and it is an honor my dear to share with you the I am. He is!!! and so much more...blessings to you!

Nancy said...

Wow! What a great devotional! What a miracle that your little girl is in school today & it shows us with faith ~ God will perform any miracle because He is the almighty healer.
Lovin' your blog!!

sister sheri said...

How wonderful to be able to say that God truly IS who He says He is... and will do... Praise God!

BTW I'm having a giveaway on the book Anonymous...

Tracy said...

Praise God!!! What a year you've had, and what a faith-building journey. I distinctly remember reading that post back then. So grateful for the way you've shared this past year with us. What a beautiful and faithful testimony.

Rejoicing with you this day!