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Welcome to my little corner of the world. I am so honored by your visit today. My name is Kristi and I am married to my college sweetheart(I refer to him here as "Mr. Incredible"), momma to my 2 beautiful girls who are growing much too quickly, a high school computer teacher, photographer, and a gardener (at times~right now I'm growing weeds). I love to laugh, drink strong Starbucks coffee, take pictures, and be anywhere my family is. Jesus is my Savior and I try so hard to be the wife and momma that He has called me to be. I often fail but He lovingly picks me up, dusts me off, and encourages me that with Him all things are possible. Feel free to join me on this journey of faith, stop in and say hello, look around, and leave a comment~I love comments. Why "Kiki's Corner?" My nephews call me Aunt Kiki and I love that too.

Mom and Dad's Patio


I love sitting on this patio visiting with my mom. Hummingbirds are constantly zipping around, the birds are singing near by, and sometimes a little bunny will peek its little head out from underneath her tomato plants. Their patio is beautiful...and so is spending time with them.

Children's Mini Sessions Part II {A Sneak Peek}

Last week before we took Rachel to college and before Hannah's thumb incident and "floor pizza," I blogged the first part of my August Children's Mini Sessions. But, I haven't had a spare second to blog the second part.

Today is the day! I have to say that some of these photos make me laugh out loud. I adore this family! They are all beautiful inside and out. The three patiently waited for their time in front of the camera and I am so glad that they did!

Cutest cowboy with Justine Bieber hair ever:
And his three gorgeous sisters who had a fun sister-tea-party:
I love how their beautiful mommy dressed them....complete with Madame Alexander girls have these same dolls:

Right in the middle of their tea party, big brother stopped by to say hello
But it wasn't long before the two sisters tied him up...with a little help from their mommy and I, and then told him how they really felt about his interrupting their tea party.  The littlest princess told him to, "Stick 'em up!"  I love how they are both daintily holding the "guns" and the look on big brother cowboy's face.  It kind of reminds me of an old Norman Rockwell image.  Love it!  Thanks sweet "D" family for the blessing of photographing ya'll once again!

That's My Senior Contest {Enter Your Photo by 9/2/11 at Midnight}


Attention all Seniors, Parents of Seniors, Grandparents of Seniors, anyone that knows and loves a Class of 2012 senior:

Kiki's Corner Photography is hosting a First Annual, "That's My Senior," contest.  The lucky winner will win a free VIP Senior Photo Shoot valued at $800. 

Here is the 411:

You have until Midnight, September 2, 2011 (yes, that is this Friday night-don't forget) to submit your one photo of your senior when he/she was a baby or toddler.  All entries will then be uploaded on to the Kiki's Corner Photography facebook page listed under photos where the voting for the favorite, "That's My Senior" will take place.

All in the Details:

Email your cutest baby/toddler photo to Kristi {}, put "That's My Senior" as the subject and attach your photo. Please also make sure to tell us the name you use on FaceBook so that we can appropriately label and tag the photo entries when we upload them to FaceBook.
In your email  please include your first and last name and the first and last name of your senior.   (Following FaceBook rules and regulations, entries may not be collected via FaceBook and winners may not solely be notified via FaceBook).

After we receive your photos, we'll upload them to our "That's My Senior," contest album on FaceBook. (Please allow 2 days for your photos to be uploaded).

Beginning, Monday September 5th, 2011, after you see your photo appear in the album you will then be able to "share" the link to your photo where it is located on our FaceBook Page and encourage your friends and family to vote for your senior by visiting Kiki's Corner Photography fan page, "liking" Kiki's Corner Photography fan page and "liking" your photo. Voting ends September 12, 2011 at midnight.

You may also blog about the contest and share the link to your photo, tweet about it, email the link to your friends and family and more!

The "That's My Senior," prizes for photos most votes are....

•Grand Prize: Free unique VIP Senior Photo Shoot valued at $800 with Kiki's Corner Photography {The Senior photo that receives the most "likes."}

•Runner Up: $100.00 Print Credit for future Photo Sessions from Kiki's Corner Photography {The senior photo that receives the 2nd most "likes."}

•(3) Random Winners will each receive $50 off their Senior Photo Session with Kiki's Corner Photography
{Based on the following additional methods of entry not on "likes."}.

Additional methods of entry?

1.(1) You automatically receive 1 entry for submitting a photo of your senior (baby/toddler photos only please-all others will be disqualified).  Leave a comment on this blog letting me know that you did this (If you leave a comment as "Anonymous, please give your name in the comment so I know who to credit).

2.(1) You will receive 1 extra entry for becoming a Fan of Kiki's Corner Photography on FaceBook. {But only after "liking" my page and coming back here and leaving a separate comment telling me that you "liked" my page}.

3.(1) You receive 1 extra entry for signing up for Kiki's Corner Photography's newsletter {Make sure to leave a separate comment telling me that you signed up for the newsletter}.

Exceptions:  Baby/toddler photos of Class of 2012 seniors only!!!  Please, only enter this contest if you live in our area of Texas or are willing to travel to my little corner of the world.  As much as I would love to visit you followers who live in Hawaii or Australia, or the Netherlands, I'm just unable to do that now....maybe someday.  :-)  Remember, these photos will be posted in Facebook, I will use your senior's first names in the captions, but remember they will be posted on the world wide web for all to see.
Winners will be announced on my blog, so be watching!

I think that is it for the fine print and details.  What are you waiting for???? 

Waiting for Paisyn Part II (A Maternity Sneak Peek}

I couldn't wait to find the time this morning to edit a few more of my "Waiting for Paisyn" maternity photos.  The mommy-to-be is stunning and was game for anything even going to a vacant home out in a field.  Her man was sweet to check the place for critters first~thank you! 

A rustic place + a beautiful happy couple + golden sunlight = absolute delight!  Thank you for the blessing of taking your mommy-to-be photos.  I am so looking forward to meeting Miss Paisyn!

Waiting for Paisyn Part I {A Maternity Sneak Peek}

I was blessed to take pictures of our neighbors who are anxiously awaiting the arrival of their precious baby girl Paisyn. What a blessing to get to spend time with this sweet family of two, soon to be three. Paisyn's mommy is absolutely gorgeous. I can only imagine what this beautiful baby girl will look like.   I've had every intention of getting these posted way before now, but as you can tell from the previous posts, it has been a very eventful week.

I would love to show more, but I've got to get to a football game. I hope ya'll enjoy your sneak peek. Part two to follow soon:

Oh What a Night!

After school, I headed home to change into my flip flops, shorts, and a t-shirt and to begin editing my remaining mini session pictures, a recent maternity photo shoot, and Holly's photos.  I had just sat down at my computer when my cell phone rang.  The picture on my Iphone said it was my Hannah probably calling to tell me that she was finished running cross country and decorating the gym for today's pep rally and to please come pick her up.  Wrong!

One of my teacher friends was on the other line.  I remember hearing something like, "Kristi!  Um, Hannah cut her thumb helping us decorate for the pep rally and she is bleeding pretty bad; you might want to come get her."  Oh no!  I hopped in the suburban and drove like the wind to the high school.  I followed the trail of blood to where Hannah was sitting down holding her thumb up in the air.  Blood was dripping down her arms.  She was bleeding so much, that I couldn't tell if she needed stitches or what to do so we headed to see Poppie (Mr. Incredible's dad). 

He got the bleeding to subside just for a split second so that we could see that Hannah had cut the top tip of her thumb completely off.  Instead of having a concave curve on the top of her thumb, it was now inverse (a little geometry~hope I used the correct terms) and cut pretty deeply....she did a fine job!  There was nothing to stitch up, but we couldn't get the bleeding to stop!

I called the pediatrician's office who told us to get there as soon as possible and that they would be waiting!  This momma's heart heard, "as soon as possible," so that is what I did.  I hit the hazard lights on my suburban and made the normally twenty minute drive to the doctor's office in only fifteen minutes.  I would have gotten there sooner but an undercover policeman pulled me over!  The nerve! 

I whipped out of my suburban before he could even pull his pants up on his way out of his unmarked police car.  He muttered something about going nearly twenty miles over the speed limit and what was the problem, blah, blah, blah.  Before he could finish his spiel, I retorted, "My daughter cut the top of her thumb off.  I saw you following me for several blocks.  I thought you might be helping me get to the doctor's office.  If you are going to give me a ticket, then just give me a ticket, but I am going to get back in my car and get my daughter to the doctor that is waiting for us!"  On my way back to the suburban he sarcastically said he would follow me there~he didn't believe me!

When I pulled in to the doctor's office, we parked, I went flying around to help Hannah get out of the car, and the policeman/jerk went running across the parking lot to see if what I was saying was true.  I didn't let him touch my daughter.  I looked him squarely in the eyes and said, "I need to get my child inside!  Again, if you are going to give me a ticket then just give me a ticket!"  He looked at me and smiled and said, "I need to talk to you so I will wait for you outside!"  The nerve!

I took Hannah inside, checked her in and stayed with my daughter.  The policeman could wait as long as he needed but I wasn't leaving Hannah!  He waited outside the door of the doctor's office as if we were some high profile case.  As we were taken back to see the doctor, we noticed the policeman got a call (maybe he was a detective, he was wearing a brown shirt and brown pants not the normal blue that I assume most policeman wear) so he hopped in his undercover cop car and pulled away!

Hannah's doctor was in rare form.  He told her that she did a fine job on her thumb and to stay away from scissors.  Then he had the nurse clean her up and told us goodbye.  Hannah is still bleeding through everything that they are using to try to stop the we were both stunned.  That's when the doctor laughed and said, "I'm kidding! No sense of humor today?"  What?!

After we explained our week of taking Rachel to college and Mr. Undercover Cop in the parking lot, he laughed and then explained how they would stop the bleeding and he seemed a bit more on the compassion side.  Oh, the jokes kept rolling (our normal doctor wasn't in the office yesterday afternoon) but that seemed to make Hannah feel more at ease.

No stitches, but the bleeding finally stopped and now she has a cool red thumb.  Our school colors are red...she should fit right in at today's pep rally!  (I snapped these with my Iphone-the quality isn't quite as good)

After leaving the doctor's office, we drove into this massive, boisterous storm!  It was a bit scary for a while:
But, wait!  There is more!  Mr. Incredible was sweet to meet us at the doctor's office and once we got home volunteered to put our pizza in the oven.  I think I must have had a crazed-stressed out look in my eyes.  I thanked him for helping and then heard ca-splat!  I turned around to see this:
Oops!  I broke into hysterical laughter.  I couldn't even help him clean it up...I was rolling on the floor laughing uncontrollably.  What did my man do?  He scooped it up, plopped it on a cookie sheet, and stuck it in the oven...5 second rule I guess!  I'm thankful my floor was somewhat clean.

We enjoyed our floor pizza for dinner and then we heard the doorbell ring.  My man said, "Come quick! There are cars everywhere.  I think you just might be getting arrested."  So funny!  When we got to the door we opened the door to see the cheeleaders coming to check on Hannah and to bring her some flowers, a card, candy, sunglasses, and bandaids. So sweet!

After they left, we finished a craft project to send to Rachel (no, I didn't let Hannah use the scissors) and then we all fell into bed thankful that we survived the day! 

Have You Seen

...the Target Back to School Commercials?  Oh, they are too funny!  They remind me of the Staples commercials from last year.  Anyway, this has been our first week with our students so I thought I would post these commercials for your enjoyment. 

Many Firsts~School 2011

What a week of firsts for our family! I am now the proud mom of two Freshman...Hannah is a Freshman in high school and Rachel is a Freshman in College!  Be still my heart.

We always have a tradition of taking the first day of school pictures outside our front door.  For the past nine years (in our current home) it has been both of my girls in their back to school pictures.  This year it's a little bit different.

Here is my Hannah on her very first day of high school.  She has reached the six foot mark, loves to wear converse tennis shoes, retro 80's shirts, hamburgers are still her favorite, plays the flute in the high school band, is excited about basketball season, and has just discovered why her sister enjoys wearing Tom's shoes (she rocked a pair of olive colored Tom's today).  My sweet Hannah, please don't be in such a hurry to grow up...all too soon.  We are so proud of you and I take great joy in being your momma!

Rachel's love for Tom's shoes rubbed off on Hannah and I this summer.  We love what their company stands for.  If you purchase a pair of shoes, they give a pair of shoes to a child that needs them.  I wore a pair of Tom's wedge shoes my first day of school this year too.  I fixed a large glass of PW's iced coffee and had my normal bowl of cereal before heading out the door.
There was a sweet note waiting for me at lunch.  Rachel has a new Keurig coffee machine to take to college and she wanted me to try it when I got home for lunch.  Her sweet note said, "Momma, try this! It's awesome!  Hope you are having a good day.  Love, Rachel."  I am going to miss those sweet notes around my house!

Hannah's new backpack is pictured on the right and the photos on the bottom right are new for my classroom this year.  I think standouts are my new fave.  They don't require frames, they are light weight, and they make me smile every time that I look at my beautiful daughters!
Our first day at school was great, we enjoyed Rachel's favorite Tai food for dinner, and then tried to get some sleep for the next morning was Rachel's move in day.  I sobbed myself to sleep that night.

We all woke up early to get the suburban and truck packed with all of Rachel's things.  It was still dark when we left the house for our road trip to college.
A few hours later we arrived on campus.  Rachel was beaming with excitement.  There were in-coming freshman everywhere mixed with lots of vehicles filled to overflowing with belongings ready to move into the dorms.  Our first stop was to check in, meet Rachel's "mom" for the week, register her vehicle with the campus police department, pick up the combination to her post office box, and finally check in at her dorm.

We made our way up the stairs as my mind flashed back to walking similair stairs on my very first move in day at Baylor.  We opened the door to her room to see Rachel's roommate, Brittany and her family already inside.  We love them already!  Hannah says that her sister and Brittany, "are two peas in a pod" and I think she is right. 
After visiting for a little while, we made our way back to the suburban where so many college ministers and upper classmen were waiting to help us move our daughter in.  We literally only made two trips to the car and two trips up the stairs.  Two very sweet guys carried the refrigerator up the flights of stairs as if it was nothing.  What a blessing!  I thought it would take us at least a dozen trips to move everything in...what a wonderful surprise! 

We spent the next hour arranging Rachel's things and getting her room fixed up.  We enjoyed a quick bite of lunch at Chick Filet, a quick trip to Walmart, because I wanted my daughter to have a rug for her room and a little valence for the window to make the room a little more like home.  We got back in time to set those up before we headed to Parent Orientation.

At Parent Orientation, we learned all kinds of helpful things like giving our daughter the space that she needs to make a niche at the university and we heard encouraging words like, "let them have the freedom to text you and come home when they choose."  They encouraged that taking these steps would make it easier for our students to find their way and feel plugged in while they were at school.  They gave us an overview about what would happen at welcome week and that if we didn't hear from our child this first week, not to get our feelings hurt because they were going to keep them very busy.

When we arrived back at Rachel's dorm we found this:
The girls were giggling and having fun playing a game.  Here are a few pictures of our daughter's very first dorm room.  Love the priority of the Chi next to the coffee machine. Brittany and Rachel both enjoy I know what to put in their care packages from home.  Mr. Incredible was so smart to mount power strips to either side of Rachel's desk.  We should buy stock in Command strips.  Ha!
I love this picture of the two roomies visiting with little sister taking it all in.
We had dinner at Cracker Barrel, Rachel's pick, and then it was off to a Presidential social and to meet Rachel's family group for the week.  Can you see Rachel (look for the pink arrow)?  It was loud and crazy and filled with lots of happy students.  It was a wonderful welcome!
A few more dorm pics  :-) Rachel's decor is on the left, and Brittany's is on the right.  Look how tall those beds are!  We had to buy a step stool to make it easier to get in and out of bed. Ha!

Then it was time to say goodbye...the second most difficult time of my life!  The first being watching them wheel Rachel around the corner for brain surgery.  I knew then and I know now that I can trust God to take excellent care of our daughter, He somehow loves her even more than I do.  But, I still wasn't ready to say goodbye. 

God had helped me be brave all day long, I didn't cry at all...until Rachel cried when we said goodbye.  I somehow managed to choke back the tears knowing they would be waiting for me when we got back in the car.  I whispered in her ear once more that I loved her, I was so proud of her, and that it was time to soar!  I didn't say goodbye, like we had agreed, I just said, "I'll see you soon, sweetheart!"

And then we watched her walk a few steps to her "family group" for the week.  A few minutes later we were back at the car...and we all three cried most of the drive home.  With every fiber of my being I wanted my man to turn the car around and go get our daughter...but I know this is God's plan for her precious life...this is right....I'm just ready for it to feel right.  But in the mean time, I continue to trust and pray and find great joy in knowing how dearly loved she is by her family and her Heavenly Father.

I didn't hear from her yesterday, but I did get a text from her and a picture at midnight (I'm keeping my phone by my bed just in case).  Her happy text said, "I love ya'll.  I tell you all about my day hopefully tomorrow.  Today has been so fun and crazy!  I love you lots!"

And this momma slept just a little bit better after that.  Oh, God is good, He is trustworthy, His plans are perfect, His love is fierce, He is a mighty tower and stronghold (our Masada), our strength during the difficult changes of this life, our joy, our future, and our hope.  He is all sufficient....we are in good hands!

My Dearest Rachel


As we take you to college for the first time today, I have to tell you that my heart is full of so many emotions and my mind is flooded with the most precious of memories.  The tears are already flowing....just when I didn't think I had any more tears left to cry.  I better make this short, if that's possible. 

It seems like yesterday that I held you in my arms for the very first time.  Oh, how I had counted the days until you arrived.  I had dreamed of you (and your sister) my whole life.  All I ever longed to be was a wife and a momma...of girls!  And oh, how God blessed and blessed me with you and your sister!  And you both are far better than my best dream on my best day!

You and I have shared so many "firsts." You are my first daughter, the first grandchild on both sides of the family, the first one to deprive me of sleep in the middle of the night (do you remember the song, "Sleep Sound in Jesus?"  I think I sang that song to you in the middle of the night at least a million times...and even though I was tired physically, I wouldn't have changed a second of it.  It was our secret time together and I treasured it all.

You were my first living doll to play dress up with.  We were blessed with so many beautiful outfits, I could have changed your clothes five times a day and never run out.  And you could rock those Texas sized bows!

First experience with pediatricians and evil nurses who gave you shots and didn't think twice about it hurting your feelings...or mine...and oh how I ached when you ached, cried when you cried, hurt when you hurt.  I still do.

First ballet shoes, first dance were the most beautiful one who knew every step and made sure your fellow ballet dancers did too.  First day of Kindergarten.  You were so brave...much braver than your mother.  I'll never forget you telling me when I picked you up (I think I was at the school 30 minutes before it was time for you to go home because I just couldn't wait any longer) that you sat across from Jesus all day long.  His name was actually pronounced Heysoos, but yes, your precious Saviour was with you all day long too!

First bed time prayers at the foot of your bed, first bed time stories...and then another, and another and, "Just one more please, momma?"  First choir presentations, first solos, first "Santa Baby" performance in Mrs. Holland's class, first loose tooth, first lost tooth, first t-ball game (you always had a bow in your hair, even when you wore your baseball hat), first day of junior high (oh, your locker was so cool), first heart break (I still don't like that punk that broke your heart), first experience with band (my favorite saxophone player), first broken bone, first junior high dance, first basketball game, first day of high school, first driver's ed lesson and I was your teacher, first learner's permit, driving tests, passing and making it official.

First time to watch you drive down the driveway....on two wheels (don't know where you get your need for speed~ha!) and drive to the big city praying every mile that you drove that God would bring you safely home.  First date, first prom, first solo in church, and so many more.

Seeing first-hand with my own eyes the very miracle that you are and rejoicing every day for your God-given health and His absolute mercy and grace over your precious life and your precious, precious head.  I'll never stop praising Him for as long as I live. 

And I pray that there are many firsts still to share...but this one today probably will never be my favorite.  You see precious one, heart of my heart, I've dreaded this day since the day you began Kindergarten.  This heart of mine knew that all too quickly you would grow up...I blinked...and here we are today.  Butterfly kisses keeps playing in my mind...that and the Darth Vader march...I hope you are smiling reading that.

I am fully assured that the very One who asked us in 2009  if we believed that anything was too difficult for Him (Jeremiah 32:27)  and if we believed that He was able to do this (Matthew 9:28) will be with you every step of the way.  He will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19); He will be by your side every step of the way.  Sweet daughter of mine, keep trusting in Him (Psalm 37:5) and depending on Him and together you two can accomplish the great things that He has planned for your life (Philippians 4:13).

And your daddy, sister, Granny, Grandpa, Nonnie, Poppie, Sissie, Uncle G, your Liebs, and I will be cheering all the way!  We are so proud of the person that you have become.  And while our hearts will miss you terribly, we know you are where God wants you to be and we trust His plans for your life.  And we can't wait to hear all about them!  Dream big, sweet child of mine...your Heavenly Father dreams big plans over your precious life!

And don't forget to call me every day....I'll be waiting by the know I will.  So call me, okay?  I'm still waiting???  Hello? Is this thing working???  Just kidding...sort of.  I love you more than I thought was humanly possible...more than the fish in the sea, more than the stars in the sky, more than the songs the birds sing (remember this game we would play at night?).  I love you, sweetheart.  It's time to soar!

(I think I'll trade the Darth Vader march song for this one...oh how we love you!)

A Teacher's Prayer


A Teacher's Prayer

Dear God,

A new school year is about to begin and my classroom door will soon open
to the students you've assigned to my care...
Open my mind and heart to each of them and especially to the ones
who will challenge me the most...
Help me challenge my students, all of them, to study, to learn, to grow in knowledge
and even a little wisdom...
Help me remember, Lord, how young my students are:
give me patience to help them grow up
and insight to know the help they need...
Help me to understand that sometimes my students may not understand me:
may I be clear in the things I say and do, and in how I say and do them…
My students don't know the burdens and worries my heart brings to the classroom,
so help me remember, Lord, how anxious and heavy my students' hearts may be...
Keep me from favoring any particular students, Lord, except for those who most need my help...
Let my decisions in the classroom be fair and just, honest and true...
Send your Spirit to fill me with gifts of knowledge and understanding, counsel and wisdom…
Lord, open my mind and heart to my students' parents, especially those who will challenge me the most...
Help me challenge parents to challenge their children to study, to learn and to grow...
Help me to teach as you would, Lord: help me be understanding when I need to be firm, gentle in all things,
and patient until the last bell rings…

A new school year is about to begin, Lord, and I wonder, what will you teach me today?


(Taken from:

August Children's Mini Sessions Part I {Sneak Peek}

Saturday morning, Rachel helped me get ready for my first Children's mini sessions of the year.  We had fun putting the set together outside and anxiously waiting for our young clients to arrive.  Zeke's four beautiful children arrived ready to play in our tent, have a little pretend tea, and devour some cupcakes.  Here are just a few photos from their session:

And then it was time for these two little sisters.  They weren't quite sure about taking pictures at first....

 But, then we started playing and they forgot all about the camera:
 And even gave me a smile or two that just melted my heart:
 And who can resist a precious one and her blankie?  Oh, so sweet!   Please, don't be in a hurry to grow up too fast!  And always hold on to your blankie.

I'll tell you a little secret.  We have two very special blankies that belonged to two very special girls who are growing much too quickly tucked away in a special place at our house. They were once dearly loved blankies too.
That's all for now. I'll try to post more soon...but I have to get ready for my first day of the 2011-2012 school year.  And my baby starts high school tomorrow!  And then there is that thing I don't like to talk  about called we are taking our Rachel to college on Tuesday.  {Sob!}  There will be lots of joy mixed with tears as we watch our daughter unfold a new and exciting chapter in her precious life. 

Little Miss Holly-wood!

Last night this sweet pea and I had so much fun feeding ducks, looking for a baby duck, avoiding ants, and talking about school and her best friend Ella-Bella. She wore the coolest feathers in her hair for our photo shoot and she had the wiggliest tooth that is so ready to come out.  I can't get over how much she has grown  since our photo shoot last summer. I loved every second. I hope Miss Holly-wood and her momma and daddy enjoy their sneak peek:

Last year, a little butterfly came to play during our photo shoot.  This year, it was a baby dragonfly.  Delight!