I could tell you about the pig sty that my youngest daughter is now calling her room....but I'll just stop there. She respects her basketball coach so much, that I asked him to please tell Hannah to clean up her room. He just laughed and asked if I had seen the locker room at school. Sigh! Judgement is coming Saturday. If a certain dear daughter doesn't get her room and bathroom together, Momma is going to have another cell phone for a few more days, that's all I'm saying.
And just for your information, No I did not take out the family that was saying ugly things about my baby girl on the basketball court last Saturday...and I don't think that I lost my witness either. I had to laugh out loud when my father hollered something to the referee about a bad call. He is a pastor...so I felt better. We both decided that we might just need to meet each other down front during Sunday's invitation. Ha!
Have you seen the new "poof" video. These 2 sisters so cracked me up with their Hair Poofing instructions. You can check them out here .
So, after looking in the mirror and seeing what I am now calling my "Cinnamon buns" because I really enjoyed eating pan fulls of them over the Christmas break, I decided that I needed a diversion. My thinking was that if my hair was taller, then my cinnamon buns might not be so noticeable. And I do live in Texas...and you know how we are about big hair. So, this morning I tried it.
Mr. Incredible had to help me. It was the sweetest moment but I had to giggle when he was helping me with my hair poof. He was so serious that I just had to give him a big kiss. My manly man, helping me with my hair...gave me the giggles and made me love him even more than I already do.
My hair is bigger/poofier. I think I am nearly 2 inches taller. So, I've made a mental note to fix it this way when I see my doctor for, you know, the annual torture! When she (she being the barracuda) weighs me, I might just have her measure my height again. I'm thinking I might just be in a different BMI category. Woo-hoo!
So, it's not quite as good as the sisters' poof but it's getting there. Wanna see?

I know. The picture is hard to see. I was in the car. I used this brush and a big old can of Freeze It spray from Walmart (the sisters suggested it). I like this big, gold, container of hairspray and it says it will hold in any weather and it really does. But, the best part is that it is only $4.

Happy "poofing." Let me know if you try it.
Oh girl you are too funny. I am going to go watch the Poof video right now. I've never heard of such a thing! My hair has been so bad because of the dry cold hair that it hasn't needed any help in the Poof department.
You.crack.me.up! I'm loving your Texas poofy hair and I am grinning from ear to ear picturing your sweet Mr. Incredible trying to do that for you...boy, is that LOVE! = ) Hoping the stomach bug is on it's way out soon, before you or anyone else catches it!
Take care,
You always make me laugh, and I needed it tonight. You look fantastic as always!
Oh I remember the Texas hair when we lived there 1976 to 1985....Lots of Aqua Net spray back then! LOL...
You are SO funny!!! I use that very instrument EVERY morning...and yeah...it sure helps give Mamma a lift..in the hair department.
I LOVE it!!
Thanks for making me laugh today.
I love the hair poof and you looked adorable! Isn't it just the best gift ever when you witness your husband doing something outside of his comfort zone?
Hey,I enjoy the way you share about your children! too cute!
Great post! thanks for keepin' it real too!
HAHA! GIRL, I too love your poofy hair.
I'm wonderin if you got another cell phone today. lol I hope not!
I wish I coulda been at that game.
I'd probly have to meet DAD down front too right along with yall. lol
Just so's ya know...
You rock.
Love ya bunches my Lieb,
Great idea about the BMI!!! LOVE IT!!!
You made my day!!!
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