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Welcome to my little corner of the world. I am so honored by your visit today. My name is Kristi and I am married to my college sweetheart(I refer to him here as "Mr. Incredible"), momma to my 2 beautiful girls who are growing much too quickly, a high school computer teacher, photographer, and a gardener (at times~right now I'm growing weeds). I love to laugh, drink strong Starbucks coffee, take pictures, and be anywhere my family is. Jesus is my Savior and I try so hard to be the wife and momma that He has called me to be. I often fail but He lovingly picks me up, dusts me off, and encourages me that with Him all things are possible. Feel free to join me on this journey of faith, stop in and say hello, look around, and leave a comment~I love comments. Why "Kiki's Corner?" My nephews call me Aunt Kiki and I love that too.

Aaron's Flag Football Game

My youngest nephew is playing flag-football.  My Hannah use to play flag football with the boys...7years ago!  Back then, she was the only girl on the flag football team.  I remember her first game very well.  A punk boy looked at her and growled and told her that only boys play football.  And my no-fear child became a bit reserved on the field that day. And that broke my I came up with a new strategy.

We talked about what that boy said to her after the game was over...and then I encouraged her to always do her best.

I say the word encourage because, I became that mother. 

I told her that I would pay her a $1 for every flag that she grabbed and $5 or maybe $10 (I can't quite remember now) for every touchdown that she made.  The twinkle in her eyes returned.

And the next game she grabbed every one's flag and scored 2 touchdowns...and then my bank account was never the same.  Ha!  It was a great flag-football season for Hannah and her team.  I still have her itty-bitty football cleats tucked away in my hope chest.  She learned that year that girls can play flag football too...but better yet, that punk kid learned it too!  ;-)

So, back to my youngest nephew.  With photography sessions abounding, I had a rare evening where I could go watch him play.  I took my BGC (big girl camera) along for the game.  His eyes lit up when he saw me...okay when he saw my camera.  From that moment, it was game on!

Isn't he cute?

I like how he forgot that he was playing flag-football...I think he wants to be like his big brother and tackle instead:

Here is the team having a little pep talk from their coach.  I think it went something like this, "We don't tackle; we just pull flags!" :

 My nephew got to kick the ball, and even though his daddy was talking to me, I still captured the picture:

 He ran after every flag...hard work!

 And then his moment finally came!  The ball was on the ground...Aaron saw it, scooped it up and ran with all his might for the end zone!  Way to go Aaron!!!!!!

 And no one captured his flag:

 And he knew it.  Look at his face...delight!

 And then he got to play quarterback just like his big brother:

It was a fun night watching flag football again.  I miss those days...but basketball season is just around the corner....24 days to be exact...not that I'm counting the days or anything. Ha!

Ya'll have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

I wish we lived close & I could hire you to take pic's of my little's!!