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Welcome to my little corner of the world. I am so honored by your visit today. My name is Kristi and I am married to my college sweetheart(I refer to him here as "Mr. Incredible"), momma to my 2 beautiful girls who are growing much too quickly, a high school computer teacher, photographer, and a gardener (at times~right now I'm growing weeds). I love to laugh, drink strong Starbucks coffee, take pictures, and be anywhere my family is. Jesus is my Savior and I try so hard to be the wife and momma that He has called me to be. I often fail but He lovingly picks me up, dusts me off, and encourages me that with Him all things are possible. Feel free to join me on this journey of faith, stop in and say hello, look around, and leave a comment~I love comments. Why "Kiki's Corner?" My nephews call me Aunt Kiki and I love that too.

Suite Surrender Clip


I had so much fun taking pictures of the play for myself, the yearbook, and the Playbills, that I never had a chance to video my baby girl in her role as Mrs. Osgood.  A friend of mine offered a copy of her video in exchange for some pictures! Delight!

Here is my baby girl in a clip from the play as Mrs. Osgood.  If you don't know Hannah, she normally has a Texan accent but she worked very hard to perfect a Julia Child-like voice.

Presenting Hannah as Mrs. Osgood:

Suite Surrender

May 3rd was the High School's One Act Play public performance of "Suite Surrender." Hannah and the rest of her cast and crew have had an absolute blast. I believe they have put in well over 300 hours of practice...and their performance showed all of their hard work.

I'm sure that I told you we just barely missed going to the State competition. They were State Alternates but will always be first in our heart! They were incredible! And I was, and still am, very proud of our baby girl. It's quite a big deal, in my book, to be the only Freshman cast member, in a sea of upper classmen. What a year!

I wanted to do something special for Hannah and the rest of the Cast and Crew. The Lord reminded me of Playbills. After checking with the Director and High School Principal, I was thrilled to be able to design a Playbill, have them printed locally, and then have all of the money raised from the sale of Playbills go directly to the Director to help reimburse her for her extra expenses. After the performance, the cast and crew signed their autographs in the Playbills which was so fun!

Here is my Hannah being introduced as socialite Mrs. Osgood for the last time:

She beamed as she entered:

One day I asked Hannah how she got rid of her nerves before going on stage.  She replied, "I kiss Leeroy, say 'Bon Appetite!' and then go on stage!"  I looked at her in amazement and asked her who Leeroy is!  She laughingly replied, "My ferret that I wear on my costume!"  Oiy!  I was afraid there was a stage boy named Leeroy backstage that I had yet to meet.  Ha!

It was fun to see so many sweetly asking the cast for autographs.  I heard one person comment that you just never know. One of these amazing students just might be famous someday.  Here is Hannah and "Leeroy!" 

We ended the evening with a party hosted by Mr. Incredible's parents, sister,  and Aunt Robbie. They provided hamburgers, chips and dip, and homemade ice cream and cookies.  One of the seniors in the cast adored the strawberry ice cream so much he vowed to marry it.  Drama gotta love them!

After a few days of record 100 degree heat, this sight was a welcome relief:
Hannah and I did a happy dance!

Love the warm sunlight streaming through the rain my baby girl's joy on that beautiful face of hers!

And the sight of my man bringing home dinner! Yes! I fell in love with him all over again!!!

My garden has been loving this rain too!!

Miss P's 1st Mother's Day Photo Shoot {A Sneak Peek}

What a wonderful Mother's Day photo shoot! Miss P is growing so fast and it was so fun to see how loved and adored she is! There is something very special about capturing a new mommy on her very first Mother's Day and then to capture Miss P with her grandparents. Pure love and joy captured. What a blessing!

Batter Up!

It's baseball season and my nephews are both playing ball! Last Saturday, after the "P" family photo shoot, my man and I got to go watch our youngest nephew play some ball. It was soooooooo hot outside; I think it was 93 degrees at 11:00 and we all felt like we were melting, but it was worth it to get photos like these!

Our oldest nephew was one of the announcers in the booth.  Cousin Chan-man was first up to bat.  I couldn't peel my legs off the ever-so-hot bleachers fast enough to take a picture at then end of the fence-maybe next time Chandler, please pardon the through the fence shot. My youngest nephew was waiting in the dugout for his turn.  He looks  focused!
Our friend Stran was ready for his turn to bat.  Love the look of shear focus and determination in his eyes. 
Finally, "Double A," took his turn at bat.

He carefully watched the ball and waited patiently for just the right one. The third picture, if you look carefully, shows the one he decided to hit. 

Run, Double A, run!

Run like the wind!  Love this picture:

After he finished his turn, I watched the cousins who had just spotted the water fountain.  And we all wanted to be kids again playing in the water fountain. So fun and refreshing!

This little cousin told me that he was going to take the water fountain home for me and he tugged and tugged on it.  Finally, he smiled and said, "We leave it here!"  The concession stand was hopping on that hot Saturday morning.  These three sweet cousins had fun picking out a special treat. 
It's starting to feel like summer time!

The "P" Family {A Sneak Peek}

Beautiful, giggling girls + the most adoring parents = delight! What a fun photography session with this precious family!I loved the location, the colors she chose and just  the fun of spending the morning with the "P" family and my man. Thank you sweet "P" family for the blessing!

A Photo Checklist for Moms

I ran across this checklist today here.   Ya'll know how much I adore photography and the memories they capture...memories to treasure. So, naturally, I had to share this with all of you.  

The "B" Family~3 Generations {A Sneak Peek}

My family and I have known this sweet family for years. It was an honor and a blessing to get to photograph them and to capture their love and joy for each other. Three generations together making a point to capture memories to treasure. I love that! I heard that they call my lens a "lens of love," and that they are already enjoying their photo gallery. That thrills me all over! Lens of love....delight!

Cassie {A Senior Class of 2012 Sneak Peek}

Cassie, her big sister, and her mom and I had so much fun taking her senior photos. She is graduating in just three short weeks. We decided to do two different photo shoots so that we could take pictures with her hair straight and curly. It was fun. Senior personality photo shoots are so fun!

The "H" Family

I am so behind on posting Sneak Peeks on the blog. Hopefully, you have seen them on Face book in a more timely manner.

I met this sweet mom via my photography site Face book page several weeks ago. We have been counting the days until her family photo shoot. I love the colors that she carefully put together. Photo shoots are hardest on the momma's as they have to pick the colors, correlate the outfits, and make sure everyone is ready. Whew! It was fun to capture them.  They were the first ones to use my new photography couch.  Love the colors in the field!

Capturing personalities is always so fun and so unique:

Love the beautiful field and sky, this little Princess's outfit...I'm sorry she wasn't feeling like pictures today.

It was so nice to meet you "H" family.  I hope you enjoyed your Sneak Peek!

Vegetable Garden 2012

I have been so busy lately, that I forgot to post pictures of the actual vegetable garden. The bunnies were a fun find in my garden so we left one raised vegetable bed just for them and planted the rest.  Last year, I simply grew weeds.  But this year, I have all kinds of goodness growing in my garden!

I missed growing tomatoes so much that I think I went a bit overboard.  I have 14 tomato plants this year!

There is yellow squash and zucchini:

A few tomatoes already growing on the vine.  Delight!

Little squash plants that will grow and grow!


And lots of herbs such as Rosemary, cilantro, thyme, basil, and peppermint.

The weather man is predicting rain all week which thrills me because I know my garden and our dry land will love every drop of rain the good Lord blesses us with!  

What's growing in your garden?