Happy Friday to ya'll!
So, what do you wear when you go to your annual checkup?
Monday was Hannah's well check up appointment with our pediatrician.
Can I just say, that the doctor and I have a love/hate relationship. Can anyone relate?
Anyway, the pediatrician would not refill Hannah's allergy medication until we came for a well check up. That turkey! What normally takes months to get an appointment only took 3 days. Apparently he needs a new fence for his horse corral (just kidding...but aren't doctor's visits, especially well checks expensive?)
So, after taking 3 advil and downing a cup of my favorite coffee, we headed to the doctor's office for the normal 2 hour wait (What a relief to find that we only had to wait an hour and a half this time).
Anyway, the girls and I were having a great time visiting when I caught a glimpse of Hannah's t-shirt in my rear view mirror
(My children are 16 and 12...I don't dress them anymore...they know what is appropriate...or so I thought!)
Apparently, Hannah wasn't too thrilled about a well check either. Instead of reaching for advil and coffee, her sense of humor took over and she dressed herself in this:
I couldn't believe my eyes. Do you know Fred? He is all the rage with teenagers on Youtube. If you want to lose a couple hundred brain cells, check him out. And by the way, I didn't purchase this t-shirt for her. Her grandparents blessed her with some extra money and this is the treasure she chose to spend her money on. I blame them (I love you Mom & Dad!)
Where have the days gone when I use to worry that my daughters might blow out a diaper or heaven forbid have to nurse in the pediatrician's office? Welcome to the teenage years.
Note to self, check out what Hannah is wearing before driving to the doctor's office.
Her sense of humor was contagious with Rachel and I but not the pediatrician. He noticed the shirt but didn't think it was very funny and apparently he has never seen Fred. Keep up with the times Mr. fancy pants doctor...and while you are at it, please find your sense of humor because you are wearing me out with your seriousness!
For more Friday Funnies, please visit my friend Kim.
Have a great weekend!
Oh my goodness! That is hysterical! She's my kind of gal that one! Hee! Hee! I really LOL'd!
Hugs and Happy Friday
I love the T-shirt! How funny!
Thanks for the reminder, I need to get my son's meds.
Blessings to you!
I love Hannah's humor. What's the matter with that doctor? Can't he take a joke?????
Have a great weekend!
Oh, come on, he didn't laugh???!!! There's something not right with that man. Maybe he needs HIS meds, lol!
Thanks ever so - and thank Hannah! - for the merry heart!
Have a JESUS-filled day! ^i^
LOL! That is too funny! :D Love the shirt!!
Well, I, for one, think it's pretty funny! I would probably not be terribly impressed for my daughter to have such a t-shirt (like you), but it sure seems like the doctor would get a chuckle out of it!
Very funny!
I need to have that shirt!
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