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Welcome to my little corner of the world. I am so honored by your visit today. My name is Kristi and I am married to my college sweetheart(I refer to him here as "Mr. Incredible"), momma to my 2 beautiful girls who are growing much too quickly, a high school computer teacher, photographer, and a gardener (at times~right now I'm growing weeds). I love to laugh, drink strong Starbucks coffee, take pictures, and be anywhere my family is. Jesus is my Savior and I try so hard to be the wife and momma that He has called me to be. I often fail but He lovingly picks me up, dusts me off, and encourages me that with Him all things are possible. Feel free to join me on this journey of faith, stop in and say hello, look around, and leave a comment~I love comments. Why "Kiki's Corner?" My nephews call me Aunt Kiki and I love that too.

Our Drum Major...and Marching Contest

Rachel's senior year has been brimming with activities; it has been non-stop since the beginning of August.  She is co-drum major this year for the Buffalo Band.  Rachel is on the left and her friend Jami is on right:

Their theme is "Phantom of the Opera" this year.  Don't you love their masks?  A sweet teacher loaned her cool masks to the girls.  This past weekend the band participated in the Region Marching Contest.  They worked so hard to prepare for the contest. 

Naturally, her daddy and I were there to cheer her on.  Four years ago, I made stand signs that say "Go Band!" complete with red letters and silver flashing.  Our fellow band parents have always been so sweet to help up hold up the signs when the band marches on the field.  It has been a fun tradition since Rachel's freshman year.  So, of course I brought them this year...and I nearly cried. 

As the band marched on the field we proudly held up our signs and cheered for them at the top of our lungs (I wish that I had a picture of us holding the signs....but that's hard to do when you are holding one). 

Here they are taking the field....can't you just feel their nerves?  Marching contest is a bit stressful:

We cheered as they took the field and then a hush fell over the crowd as we all held our breath as they began:

They did so well!!!!
They all gave their best efforts:

This is one of my favorite photos.  Here is Rachel leading the band as they all leaned to the was so cool:
I was so proud of all of them...but especially of our daughter.  She was so poised and full of grace.  I found out later that she was blessed to lead the band in a prayer before their performance. I love that!
Their hard work paid off...they received a 1 rating...which is the best!  Way to go band!!!


BARBIE said...

Woo Hoo! Looks like fun!

Karen M said...

Congrats to the band! My middle son was in the band. He played baritone until he was a junior and he made the drumline for marching season. As a senior he was drumline captain. When he was a junior they were in the top 5 at the state marching contest. I'll never forget that day.....cold and raining off and on all day. I just realized that would have been Nov 2002. How time flies! Enjoy each moment of each year.

Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

That is so exciting. It's hard to believe it's her last year. Wow! I feel like I've been there right along side of you for the past 2. LOL!
Big Hugs!

Leaon Mary said...

Woot woot!
WAY TO GO BAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!