20 April 2011

Palm Sunday Praise

This past Sunday we celebrated Palm Sunday with a traditional children's processional complete with waving palm branches and precious children saying at the top of their lungs, "Hosanna!"  Precious with a capital P!

Thankfully, the Holy Spirit prompted my heart to grab my BGC (big girl camera) before heading out the door to church.  I am so glad that I listened.

We arrived to find the children getting lined up to enter the sanctuary.  I had to giggle a little bit too.  Most of the girls were gently waving their palm branches, a few girls where waving them wildly, and the boys...oh the boys! One little guy turned his palm branch around to have the stem pointing out.  He wielded it like it was a machine gun.  Too funny!

A few liked to wave their branches in front of Mr. Incredible's face and that made me giggle too.  He is so patient with all of them and his heart for children is as big as he is.  Love him!

Here are a few of the images I quickly captured that morning:

1 comment:

  1. Very nice. And I'm sure all the kids know just how kind your hubby is or they probably wouldn't dare to it. LOL!
    Thanks for sharing such a great moment.


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