05 August 2011

A Little Encouragement

This is straight from Anne Graham Lotz's devotional The Joy of My Heart:

"All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made."  John 1:3

God created:
atoms and angels and ants,
crocodiles and chiggers and clouds,
elephants and eagles and electrons,
orchids and onions and octopuses,
frogs and feathers and sea foam,
diamonds and dust and dinosaurs,
raindrops and sweat drops,
dewdrops and blood drops,
and me! And you!

The greatness of His power to create and design and form and mold and make and build and arrange defies the limits of our imagination.  And since He created everything, there is nothing beyond His power to fix or mend or heal or restore!

I loved reading this today...and the reminder that God made it all and He can surely fix it all too, if He so chooses.  The last week and a half has been filled with doctor's appointments, and it's been a bit exhausting and a bit emotional at times.  A new doctor came in after reading my mammogram and exclaimed with no sense of compassion or concern, "We see something!"  Thankfully, the Great Physician was right by my side whispering in my ear that we just needed to take a look through an ultra sound....and the Great Physician was right, as He always is.  A very large fibroid cyst was the culprit, not a massive tumor like the new doctor suspected. 

And being the Great Physician that He is, three cyst aspirations were performed that very same day, only five minutes later because the Breast Care Center's main doctor was there that day and he didn't want me to have to come back to Dallas.  Oh, God is good!

In the last ten days, I've been checked out from head to toe, I feel every bit of my 41 years.  I'm not use to being such high maintenance when it comes to my health...and I have one more doctor's visit to go.  Naturally, this devotion spoke volumes to my heart this morning and I thought you might need to hear it too.

Yes, if God made it, He can surely fix it...what peace floods my soul this morning! 


  1. So thankful things are good. God is good all the time!
    And now you can sing, "it is well, it is well, with my soul"

  2. Thank you for reminding me that my mammo is long over due. So thankful you are ok. And that picture is hilarious!


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