02 February 2011

Late Starts and Snow Days!

Wearing my snowflake pajamas totally worked!  We had a SNOW day yesterday~no school!  Woo hoo! And today we had a late start.  Delight!  Okay, okay so it totally wasn't due to wearing my snowflake pajamas but I wore them anyway and dreamed dreams of glorious snow all night long.  I know, how old am I?

The girls and I had the BEST snow day ever.  But, I was too busy sipping homemade hot chocolate and keeping the fire in the fireplace roaring to post my pictures.  I made homemade marshmallows that rocked!  They were,in the words of my girls,  the "best ever!"  And I have pictures and a recipe to post maybe tomorrow.

In the mean time, I better get focused on my day with my students.  Are ya'll snowed in?


  1. We're still home and snowed/iced in. Caleb hasn't gone out yet today. We were all drawing and watching Cosby earlier.

    I saw homemade heart shaped marshmallows in a Valentine email ad I got yesterday, they were so cute. I wondered if they were tasty.

    Have a happy day! I'm wondering if we are going to be able to get out tomorrow either!

  2. Okay I am envious of the snow days. Because hurricane days just aren't the same thing and I can tell you they aren't that enjoyable. LOL!

    It was 84 today so no snow for us. Ha! Ha!
    I wish I could have had a snow day at your house. Sounded like a lot of fun!

  3. Schools in our area (Dallas) have been closed for 2 days and most are closed again tomorrow.

  4. We had a snow day today (Michigan) and another one tomorrow. We had 12+ inches of snow overnite & they are still digging out all the secondary roads.
    I love snow days!


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