05 March 2010

Mother of the Year-a Video!

Yay! It's Friday! How about a laugh?

I am so ready for a good laugh. I've had "Growing in Grace" pains this week...and I've blown it several time {sigh}. I feel like I'm spiritually wearing bandages from head to toe...it has been quite a week.

I really should look at it as God is not finished with me yet and that He loves me far too much to leave me the way that I am. But, it still hurts sometimes.

This was suppose to be a fun Friday post, so I'll get back on track. If you need a laugh today, check out this funny video. It has been around for awhile, but I think all of us that are mothers have definitely been there. My friend Kelli sent it to me this week and I loved it and thought of all of you. Enjoy!


  1. I've never seen that! That is hilarious. I've often wanted to do that! LOL!
    Thanks for linking it up my friend.
    Have a great weekend.

  2. Oh! I've seen that before...LOVE IT! LOLOLOL....I think we've all felt like doing that before, :)

  3. That is hilarious! Thanks for the laugh!

  4. Hi Kristi - just letting you know I'm back blogging again. I've missed my bloggy friends!


  5. Oh, Kristi.. that is just too funny! I have felt like that more times that I care to admit!

    Have a great week!


Thank you for visiting my little corner of the world today. I just love reading your comments! May you have a blessed day in the Lord today!