22 October 2008

Word Filled Wednesday 10/22/08

Here is another shot from our fun evening at the corn maze and pumpkin patch that I talked about in yesterday's post.
Here are my daughters Rachel and Hannah with Caroline in the middle. She is a sweet friend and like a sister to my girls. She and Rachel have been best friends since preschool days. Hannah loves her too. We had fun surprising Caroline with our extra ticket to the Hannah Montana concert in January. She was ecstatic.
I thought of this verse when I took this picture. "A friend loves at all times" Proverbs 17:17.
For more inspiration please visit my friends. DON'T FORGET: to enter for my 100th post giveaway. Click here for more information.


  1. Oh how fun for your daughters to have such a sweet friend. They all look so precious. You are a blessed woman my friend.
    Hugs to you this morning.

  2. I love this, friends are such treasures.

  3. Kristi,

    We love this verse in our home!

    Awesome picture of the girls together!

    Lexi made an award for me to give out last week. Stop by and share with your friends! I hope you pick up the sowing seeds of love award too - you do that every day on your blog!

    In His amazing grace,

  4. I'm so glad they have such a good friend in Caroline and that ya'll are such a blessing to her. I bet she loved that ticket! Beautiful photo and awesome verse. Happy WFW!

  5. Sweet photo to go with this verse!

  6. Lovely photo, and one of my favorite verses!! Thanks for sharing today!

  7. Kristi,

    You can see their love for one another and this is a great verse!

    You are a great photographer! You truly do capture the moments well!

    Happy Wednesday to you!

  8. A true friend is such a blessing!

  9. Hi Kristi!
    Aww what a cute picture of the girlFRIENDS!
    Hope yall had fun at the maze!

  10. I love all these pictures you've shared from this outing you all had over the weekend! And, this is such a perfect verse to go along with your daughters and their dear friend. May the Lord always bless us with dear, dear friends!

  11. Girl....I hope you have printed that one out and framed it...what a BLESSING it is when those girls have such good friends:)


  12. good friends til the end...... pretty girls

  13. This is a beautiful photo! The sky was just perfect.

  14. That is too precious. I have 2 boys and I can only hope that they have good friends like that when they are older.

    I hopped over from Homesteader in Training. Both really great blogs and beautiful families!

  15. We couldn't do it without friends! I hope you have a lovely week, friend ;):)

  16. Thanks so much for commenting on my blog! This is my first Word Filled Wednesday, and it is such a neat idea! I love your picture and verse.. how very perfect! Printed and framed, it would make a great gift!
    Blessings for the week, and hope for eternity..

  17. thanks for sharing the verse and the pictures. It is a reminder to me as the kind of friend I should be.

  18. Friends are such treasures! Beautiful picture.


Thank you for visiting my little corner of the world today. I just love reading your comments! May you have a blessed day in the Lord today!