10 October 2008

My Biker Babe!

Introducing Biker Babe Hannah! Yesterday's pep rally theme was
"Biker Babes and Buffs!"

Hannah was excited but I was dumbfounded. My biker babe knowledge only goes so deep and I'm afraid that I am not up on the current biker babe fashions. Hannah didn't hesitate. She borrowed a shirt from her Poppie, a "doo rag" from a junior high cheerleader mom (she doesn't wear these everyday herself, it was her daughter's pep rally and she bought these doo rag things for flare), and my black leather boots.
She was sylin'.

Her goal was to win the prize for best dressed and...she won!

I thought you might enjoy some pictures of Biker Babe Hannah:

I think she enjoyed this look a lot!
Fortunately she didn't ask me to find her some smokes and a tattoo or
some chaps and a watch with a long chain.
I might have started worrying a bit at that moment because....

I'm not sure Dillard's carries those items! Kohls? Maybe.

Oh, I kid. Seriously, she loved the pep rally.
There were 10 motorcycles in the gym and one guy started his engine.
The kids thought he was the coolest!

I'm not a biker babe myself, but I do like the sound of a Harley!

Biker Babe or no Biker Babe...I think you are gorgeous inside and out! Your momma is sure proud of you and your school spirit! Keep up the good work, sweetheart!


  1. It looks like a fun day was had by Hannah! I'm with you, Kristi, I would've had no idea how to dress my daughter up as a biker babe! I'm so out of touch.... or, something! LOL

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Too fun! Great photos. I too am way out of touch! = ) Happy weekend!

  3. I loved your WFW! it was so neat!

    and Hannah! what a beautiful young lady she is! and that is awesome she won!!

  4. What a fun theme! I'm kinda out of the loop for the biker attire but it looks like she did well. Those teenagers are so adaptable to anything.

  5. That looks like a fun pep rally theme! GOod job Hannah!

  6. She's the cutest biker babe I've ever seen lol. Sounds like she had fun.
    Blessings to you.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. She loves just like a Biker Babe! A sweet one!

    I bet you are proud of both your girls.

    Have a great weekend!

  8. she looks so cute, I mean "bad". I love her "live life to the fullest" attitude. I wonder where she gets that from...ha!


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